Chapter 17: Ask Her Out

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*Noya's POV*

We entered the empty room silently, flipping the light switch on as we went through the door. We walked to a wooden table in the center of the dimly lit room and took a seat next to each other, but swung our chairs around to face each other instead of the table.

Y/N steadied the plate of food on her lap and picked at some rice. She glanced up at me sheepishly. "I can't eat if you're staring at me like that," Y/N's cheeks flushed with a light red.

"Heh sorry," I let out a nervous giggle, grimaced, and rubbed the back of my head, not caring if I messed up my hair. It was already flattened down from the shower I took before heading to dinner. Y/N leaned forward and tossled my hair a bit, smiling.

I wonder why Kuroo shoved us in a room together alone? Did he know I liked her too? Is it THAT obvious?

My thoughts were shaken by Y/N's voice. "Kuroo put a lot of food on this plate. I don't think I can eat it all," Y/N stated, sounding a bit concerned as well.

"That's okay. Eat what you're comfortable with and I can finish the rest. I can always eat more," I flashed her a bright smile, causing her to smile in response.

"I only have one fork," she mentioned quietly.

"Are you sick?" I asked her.

"No..." she responded confused.

"Well me neither, is it cool if we share?" I tilted my head to the side, staring at her.

She looked surprised, but still agreed, "Yeah sure. As long as you don't mind."

As we sat and ate silently, thoughts began to whirr through my head. Tanaka knew I really liked Y/N and was edging me on to ask her out, ensuring me that she liked me too. I'm usually not so nervous around girls and telling them how I feel, but Y/N was different. She made my heart race, my words fluster, and my face blush as red as a tomato.

"Y/N?" I spoke confidently. She snapped her head up from her plate to look at me. "Will you go out with me?" Mouth dropping open, her plate smashed to the ground from her sudden disbelief. She continued to stare at me, blinking every so often and mouth wide open. Time felt like it was passing by as slow as a snail, my anxiety rising every second as I waited for a response.

Y/N finally fumbled for her words, "I um. I uh," she paused and took a deep breath, then smiled, "I can't believe you beat me to it," she shook her head and giggled. "Yes. Yes! I will go out with you!" She squealed excitedly and jumped into my lap, throwing her arms around my neck.

"Oh thank god," I breathed into the crook of her neck as I nestled my face in further. I held her tighter, never wanting to let her go.

She pulled away and spoke shyly, "I'm just upset I didn't ask first." She gave me a closed eye smile, "you see, I didn't sit with you on the bus ride here because I was discussing my feelings for you with Suga. I told him I was nervous to tell you and afraid you wouldn't feel the same way." She let out a nervous laugh, "but looks like I was worried about nothing."

Realizing she was still in my lap, she blushed and went to stand up. Instead, I grabbed her by the waist and pulled her back down. She turned to look at me, "I don't mind you sitting in my lap," I smiled and winked at her, making her blush yet again.

"Noya?" She asked.

"I think you should probably call me by my first name now. Since we're dating," I informed her.

"Ok. Yuu?" She questioned again.

"Yes?" I responded curiously.

"Why do you like me...?" She spoke quietly.

I didn't even need much time to think. I immediately began blurting out whatever thoughts came to my head. "You are sweet and caring, even if people shut you out, you are willing to wait. You're incredibly smart and are willing to help others in need, no matter what the extent," I began. "Not to mention, you have a great sense of style," I motioned to her hair, pointing out how our hair colors coordinated well. I tucked a blonde strand of her hair behind her ear to blend with the darker hair.
"And even though you are going through so much and have been through so much in life, you still stay strong. Since the first day I met you, you trusted me and felt comfortable enough to share your experiences. I feel the same way around you and I know you'll be there to support me when I need it too."

Y/N's eyes started to tear up, "Noyaaaaa! That was so sweet." She leaned forward and lightly wrapped her arms around my neck.

"That's Yuu to you," I breathed softly in her ear.

Pulling away, she spoke timidly, "I should probably clean up the mess I made when I dropped the plate."

"I'll help you!" I immediately jumped up to help.

"I'll be fine. I just need to grab some paper towels from the bathroom," she responded.

After we cleaned up, we walked hand in hand back to the dining hall. Almost immediately, we were approached by our teammates.

"Where were you two?" Sugawara questioned in a motherly tone, tapping his foot and quirking an eyebrow at us.

"Hey! Watchu two been up to?" Tanaka half yelled.

"Ahhhhhh!" Hinata screamed. Well okay then. "Why are you guys holding hands? Are you dating? Omigod that's so cute!" The words rushed out of his mouth.

At those words, Kageyama turned around to face us, his mouth stuffed with food. His facial expression... horrified.

But before I could say anything, Y/N responded for us, "Yes. We are dating now." She squealed, barely keeping in her excitement. Awe she's so cute. I squeezed her hand to let her know.

Suddenly the room exploded with excitement. Tanaka tackled me to the ground, forcing me to let go of Y/N's hand. At that moment, Suga also tackled Y/N in a hug. At all the commotion, even Kuroo came over. Under his breath I heard him say, "Thought it would work," and smirked.

Once everyone dispersed and Tanaka let me stand back up, Kageyama approached me. His aura was dark. I gulped.

Pointing at my chest and looking down on me, he spoke bluntly, "Treat my sister well. If you hurt her, I trust you'll know what happens."

Carefully, I reached out and lowered Kageyama's hand, staring at him dead in the eyes. "I would never hurt her. You know that well."

His face lightened up a bit as he closed his eyes and breathed in. "I know. But I still need to remind you. I can't have Y/N go through anymore pain in her life. She's been through too much already," his tone now sad.

I placed a hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry man. I'll support her through everything. All her ups and downs, I'll be there too."

"Good," was the only response I got from Kageyama before he walked away.

Even though I was terrified to ask her out, the outcome couldn't have been better.


*A/N: Yay! They're finally dating!

Also super hella love the last drawing I did (not to toot my own horn XD)

***ALSO please check out my new Oikawa x Reader. It will have slow updates for now since this fanfic will be my main focus :)

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