Chapter 6: Walk With Me

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*Dinner Time*
*Y/N's POV*

Suga informed me that Noya and Tobio understand he knows my secret as well. He also updated them on our little agreement about eating today in order to watch the game tomorrow. Grrrr. Honestly, not a fan of being forced to eat, but it's for my own good.

Lunch was kind of a fail. When the food was displayed on the table, I just ran away and hid in the girls room until it was over, receiving an evil glare from my brother, but an optimistic pat on the head from Noya and an encouraging 'you can try again at dinner' from Suga. So here I am now. Sitting on the floor at the end of a table, slightly away from the crowd. Suga decided the best set up for dinner would be Tobio to my right, Noya to my left at the head of the table, Suga directly across from me, and Hinata next to him.

At first, I was super anxious. I knelt with my hands clasped together between my knees, lightly rocking back and forth, not making eye contact with anyone. Then suddenly, I felt a hand rest on top of mine from under the table. My fidgeting paused momentarily at the soothing touch caressing my knuckles. I look up to meet Noya's hazel eyes staring into my blue ones. He mouthed the words, "you got this," and flashed me one of his famous smiles that could make anyone melt to a puddle. I gave him a single nod in response.

I looked up to my right and gave a small tug on Tobio's sleeve. He looked down at my wavering, dark blue orbs glistening from the hint of water glazing over my eyes, threatening to fall. I pulled him down closer to my face and whispered in his ear.

"You sure?" he asked sitting up straight again. I just nodded my head vigorously as he started to add food on my plate. I knew I wouldn't be brave enough to put food there myself, but I also hate relying on other people. However, after listening to what Suga told me before, I need to learn when I can lean on others for support. It definitely surprised my brother that I was asking for help, but that's something I'll discuss with him later.

As of right now, knowing I need to eat if I wanted to attend tomorrow's practice game, I planned to use as much support as possible without putting too much pressure on each person.

My brother was generous to only put a small pile of food on my plate, knowing that too much food would cause me to panic. So now with the food on my plate, I picked up my chopsticks and turned to Noya, "Take a bite with me?" I asked sweetly and quietly.

He gave me a warm smile in response, "Of course Y/N-Chan," he spoke softly. We both picked up a piece of chicken in our chopsticks, clanked our food together is cheers, and took a bite.

"Wow, I actually did a pretty good cooking this chicken," I giggled in between my chewing.

"Awe, you're so cute Y/N-Chann," Noya said, leaning over and pinching my light pink cheeks, causing me to laugh even more.

After my laughing fit, I turned to Suga, flashing him a proud smile. His face softened at my smile and he too looked proud of me. He held his hand up and I slapped his hand for a high five, "Great job, my little underclassman," he gave me a thumbs up and a wink.

"Great job for what?!" Hinata spoke slightly too loud.

I felt panic bubble up inside me, but almost immediately, Suga responded rather calmly, "Oh we thought Y/N did an amazing job on her cooking tonight. Especially the chicken," he gave Hinata a very convincing smile. I owe you one Suga.

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