Chapter 24: Results

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*Y/N's POV*

My eyes shot open, immediately met by blinding white lights overhead. I shielded my eyes with one hand and squinted. With the other hand balled into a fist, I rubbed my burning eyes.

After a moment more, my eyes adjusted to the unfamiliar room around me. My vision was completely fine now. I could see clear as day, my headache dissipated, and my body no longer felt weak.

But wait. This isn't my room. Where even am I?

I smoothed my hand over the thin white bed sheets covering my lap. Sliding my hand back, it was met with a soft, plushy object. Peering down at what my hand just came in contact with, I saw it was my sparkly eyed stuffed lion that Yuu bought me on our first date at the zoo. How'd that get here?

That's when I noticed, I was wearing a hospital gown? I pulled the material out in front of me to stare down at the obnoxious pattern. How the hell did someone even get this on without waking me? It suddenly made feel insecure, knowing someone must've seen my body, my shoulder blades that poked at the surface of my skin, and even the boney lines of my ribs exposed in my back.

My eyes shifted further up from my hand. An IV was sticking out of the crease in my arm, held in place by clear surgical tape. I traced my finger tips up the thin tube that was connected to the needle. An empty bag dangled on a metal stand next to my bed.

Freaked out over the thought of something being injected into my body, I immediately ripped the needle out of my arm and gave off a little high pitch shriek of pain.


I whipped my head around to see Yuu. Wait, how did I not notice him sitting there? Observing the room more, I spotted a groggy Tobio startled awake in an identical chair situated next to Yuu's. And behind the two of them, I saw Sugawara prop himself up onto his elbows from his previous lying down position on the couch. I gazed out the large window behind him. It was pitch black outside? What time was it?

"I'm glad you're awake Y/N. But did you really need to rip out the IV?" Yuu asked exasperated.

"Yes," I spoke sternly without hesitation.

He let out a huge sigh. "You know. It's when you do things like this, that I remember you're related to Kageyama." He rolled his eyes and motioned to my brother with his hands.

My brother didn't even flinch at his words. He... he didn't care that Yuu just insulted him. Odd for my brother not to lash out at a simple insult. Instead, he stood up, not so gracefully, still half asleep. "I'll go get a nurse," he stated monotonously before dragging himself out of the room.

"Yuu, what time is it?" I asked, letting out a yawn.

I watched as he pulled out his phone and checked the time, "4:30am."

"Ah! Omigod! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to wake you guys up! You still have to play later today! You can't play exhausted!" I immediately began freaking out, deep in a pit of guilt.

Yuu started waving his hands around frantically. "No no no! Y/N, it's okay, really," he tried to convince me that it wasn't an issue.

Sugawara, now fully awake from our yelling, stood next to Nishinoya and stretched his arms above his head. Looking at me and smiling softly, he asked, "How are you feeling?"

"A lot better actually... the dizziness is gone and my body doesn't feel achy or weak anymore," I responded, still confused how just sleeping would let my body recover that much.

As if somehow reading my thoughts, with his motherly instinct, Suga asked, "And do you know why that is?"

I shook my head no, so he proceeded to explain, "That IV you just ripped out," he pointed to the empty bag behind me, "it was pumping nutrients into your body."

I didn't even know how to feel in that moment. The thought of something being injected into my body still freaked me out. Even though I wasn't eating food, nutrient supplements still served the same purpose and it was calories going into me... ones I didn't control... ones I never agreed to allow my body to have.

Feeling panicked, I felt my eyes well up with tears and my breathing quicken. There was no reason for me to overreact and throw a tantrum, but the longer I don't eat, the more emotional I become.

But before I could let the tears fall, Yuu tenderly wrapped his arms around my trembling body, his hands feeling cool against my exposed back. Delicately resting my head against his chest, I listened to his steady heart beat. He slowly rubbed his hand up and down my back in a soothing manor. I shivered when he passed over the rippled section of my back where my ribs threatened to surface.

As he released my body, I felt the tension in my shoulders loosen up. Feeling calm once again, Tobio entered my room accompanied by a dark haired man in a long white coat and a stethoscope hanging around his neck.

The man smiled brightly at me and introduced himself, "Good morning Miss. Kageyama, my name is Dr. Hatori Sohma."

"Hi," I greeted him shyly, retreating under my bed sheets and avoiding eye contact. Why? Clearly he was here to provide me an analysis... and honestly... I was TERRIFIED to find out what he had to say.

He stepped closer to me and sat on the edge of my bed. I propped myself back up into a sitting position, my deep blue eyes piercing through his skull, staring intently as I nervously awaited for him to speak.

The room was silent. The three boys also staring at the doctor as he straightened his thick framed glasses, studying the papers on his clipboard. He glanced back up through his dark bangs that covered half his face and let his blue eyes wander over the four of us.

"So for your results..."


*A/N: Suspense?

Also, someone saw a picture of me yesterday and his response was, "Wow, A/N looks so much healthier now. Props." I literally cried, that simple comment meant so much to me.

I'm also like so excited for the next two chapters I have planned!

Heh. Sorry for another drawing with Author-Chan but at least Noya looks cute :)
(Clearly I haven't finished the drawing just yet bc it was my bday today. But next chapter I will post with full color)

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