Chapter 15: Study

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*Y/N's POV*

*Ding dong* "I got it it!" I called out to Tobio while running to the door and skidding across the floor. Coming to a stop, I swung the door open to reveal Hinata, Tanaka, and Noya. "Hey guys! Come on in," I smiled brightly at them and gave a little wave to invite them in. "Make yourselves at home."

I lead the boys up to my room where Tobio had already situated himself on the floor at my table with his study materials scattered about. I plopped myself between Tobio and Noya. Hinata placed himself across from Tobio and Tanaka across from Noya.

"Okay, so let's all start will math first. I'll go over algebra with the first years and pre calculus with the 2nd years. Sound good?" I questioned. They all stared at me intently and nodded their heads vigorously. "We can start with some practice problems. You can ask me questions as we go along or I'll just check your solutions at the end."

"Ooh I have a question!" Tanaka's hand shot up immediately.


"Yes...?" I asked warily.

"What does log mean?" He questioned.

I stared at him blankly. Is he serious... damn it... he is. "It's a logarithmic function. An inverse of an exponent..." I answered slowly, which just made him look even more lost than he had before. Sigh. This is gonna be a long day. "Okay Noya, if you need help with this, you better pay attention too."

I scooted over to a spot at the end of the table, so I was now between Tanaka and Noya. I pulled out a slip of scrap paper and began to write, "So if I have logb (a) = c, that's the same thing as saying b^c = a. Which is just a regular exponent. Does this make more sense?" I looked up to see both boys staring in wonder at my paper, mouths dropped open, and light bulbs flickering on in their little brains.

"Y/NNNNNN," Hinata whined with an extreme look of frustration and distress.

"Coming," I called back to him. To Noya and Tanaka, I commanded them, "Okay, while I help Tobio and Hinata, you guys do a few of these practice problems, then I'll be back."

I sat on the opposite end of the table, shifting to the space between Hinata and Tobio. "Which problem are you stuck on?" I asked Hinata, peering down at his notebook. Following to where his finger pointed, I read the equation, "x^2 + 5x + 6, solve for x using factorization."

"Okay guys this is actually a really simple problem too, look here," I began scratching out the solution on loose leaf paper.

"So first you need to find two numbers that multiply together to equal six AND add together to equal five. In this case, that's 3 and 2. Next you need to separate the equation like this: x^2 + 3x + 2x + 6. Once you have this set up, factor out like values from the first and second half of the new equation, like this: x(x+3)+2(x+3). Therefore your solution is (x+2)(x+3), resulting in x= -3,-2," I explained.

"Woah..." Hinata was amazed.

"Why did my sister get all the smarts...," Tobio pouted.

*Noya's POV*

"Ugh, we've been studying for hours now!" I groaned. "My brain can't take anymore of this! I think I'm getting brain cramps. Can't we take a break already, please?" I begged, pleading Y/N with puppy dog eyes, hoping it would work. 

"Yeah, I agree. I think my brain is fried. We've been studying too mucht," Tanaka complained.

"What time even is it?" Hinata asked tiredly, snuggling his face in the crook of his arm.

Kageyama flipped over his phone to check the time, "It's 10pm," he said monotonously.

Hinata's head shot up. "Ah! Already! See we've been studying too much," he whined.

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