My love letter to you 🏐 (2)

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The past 6 years of our lives have been nothing but a struggle but finally all our hard efforts paid off.

The days when you cried in silence thinking I wouldn't notice or hear your sobs killed me. Every negative test made me feel like I could never give you the life you truly wanted or even if I was worthy of you.

So when I saw that positive I finally felt a sense of relief and every moment was truly magical up until the very end. And now we have a beautiful 7 year old who is the perfect reincarnation of her mother from her terrible artistic skills to nagging about how much her daddy cuddles mummy to much.

(She is so much like you) so on this anniversary I wanted to show you just how much I care by making the promise of a lifetime to you all over again.

Every obstacle you face and every little problem I will always be the Knight to strike them down.

To the ultimate woman x

Koshi Sugawara x

... we are my crazy partner! ;).

You know what today is! Its the day your crazy ass decided to fall in love with me and look where that landed you! (Jk I'm sure you love me really) I know i don't really have a way of showing you how much I care verbally and that always seems to be a struggle. However when we got married I realised that all te things I struggle to say come naturally now.

"I love you" , "see you later" , "my whole world" all come so easy now. Our son definitely takes after me as all the ladies fawn after him ;) but in reality its thanks to you that this little carbon copy of us is the sweet and gentle boy he is today.

Here is to many more crazy ass years!

Xxx Satori Xxxx


To the most amazing, gorgeous, intelligent, sweet, crazy and absolutely the best multi task super woman of my life.

You honestly deserve "most patient mum and wife of the year award" for putting up with me and my constant experimental cooking. Or our oldest boys coming home with some sort of injury from practice. Not to mention our youngest boys who somehow manage to constantly give you stress on a daily basis.

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