The pretty Beast - Lev Haiba 🏐

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"Now I know why they call you pretty BEAST"


"One more!" Lev shouts for what feels like the 100th time, for all you  know it could well be! But when you see the determination on his face you just cant seem to tell him to stop.

"Okay...READY...AND...SET!" You shout throwing the ball in the air and it flys across the court landing square in his palm the gust of wind from the impact of his palm deadly.

Y/N-CHAN!" His gorgeous smile appearing before you his long arms wrapping round you and pulling you into a bear crushing hug "you should consider taking up volleyball you know?" Your body groaning in response.

"I told you I am way better with my feet than my hands" the same sentence you repeat everytime he asks "that is true, now I am going to help you practice" his green cat like eyes meeting your Round Y/E/C ones.

"You don't have to really it's late already" your eyes glancing to your watch the time reading 6:30 and you have a match tomorrow" his eyes widening at the sudden reminder "I'll be fine, so come on let's go!" His excitement infectious as we tidy the gym before making our way to the football court outside.

"You play goalkeeper okay" you command as he crouched in front of you and nodded the football beneath your feet as you quickly make work of getting near him and kicking it square into the goal as he lunges to stop it but fails.

"Again!" He cries throwing the ball back to you as you line up the shot  and shoot towards the net again raining for the right top angle as he lunges but fails again.

"NOW I KNOW WHY THEY CALL YOU THE PRETTY BEAST" he whines kicking the ball back to you only for it to land no where near where you are "definitely should stick to volleyball" you whisper quietly as you process what he just said "THEY CALL ME THE WHAT NOW!" The blood in your body rising to a new level of hotness as you can physically see him gulp.

"The pretty beast" his cheeks flushed and rubbing his head in shame "WHO CAME UP WITH THAT!" The fear in his eyes evident "I DON'T KNOW Y/N, THATS JUST WHAT KUROO-SAN CALLS YOU" waving his hands in protest you feel your hands shake and place the ball in front of your feet before stepping all the way back and running towards it kicking with the power of the gods as Lev practically leaps out of the goal to avoid it.

"ARE YOU MENTAL!" the statement rather blunt and shocked as he looks at where his body once was "if that ball had hit him he definitely would be out like a light" the devilish smirk crawling across your face as you hear Lev gasp beside you "what exactly are you thinking" worry lacing his perfect features as you plant a kiss on his lips and look back at the goal "nothing important, come on let's go, you can stay at mine tonight and I'll cook us some noodles" stars practically coming out of his eyes in happiness.


"Hey guys!" Lev shouts to the rest of his team mates as he enters the gym Y/N right behind him "Hey yourself you late ass! And hello..." Kuroo didnt even get to finish as Y/N picked up one of the volleyballs and kicked it square at his man hood as he immedialty falls to the ground in pain, tears down his cheeks as Karasuno look at you with utter shock.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" His shout echoing as he locks his eyes with yours "THE PRETTY BEAST! SERIOUSLY!" You cry with anger as the whole gym goes silent "WHY DID YOU HIT ME, LEV IS THE ONE THAT CAME UP WITH IT!" His tone one of truth as you look to your right and notice Lev has already started running.

"WHY YOU LITTLE PIECE OF..." You shout leaving the gym and chasing him at full speed.

𝙼𝚁𝚂. 𝚂𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 🍦 𝙷𝚊𝚒𝚔𝚢𝚞𝚞 𝚡  𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚟𝚘𝚕.1Where stories live. Discover now