Again - Keiji Akaashi (1) 🏐

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"I'll play for both of us until you can stand for yourself"


Akaashi: 20
Y/N: 19

The sound of the ball smashing against the court floor, shouts of anger and victory echoing tightened your heart more than you have ever felt and if You were honest with yourself you couldn’t help but be jealous of your boyfriend Akaashi. Not because he was popular or because he was a sports nut, you were envious of the sport he got to play with all his heart and soul.


As you sat in your wheel chair and watched him dance around with his college team as they played against a local middle school to help train them you couldn’t help but swear at your bad luck and the world for allowing life to play you like this.

2 summers ago you got involved in a hit and run, all the bones in your right leg were shattered and the only option was the amputate from the knee down. The doctors told you that you wouldn't be able to play your favrioute sport alongside your boyfriend ever again.

However you couldn't accept that prognosis and went to see another doctor who put you on the list for a prosthetic limb but that could take years to be approved. The journey here wasn't easy and your boyfriend was by you every step of the way. From the days you woke up in severe pain to days were phantom pain kicks in your leg still thinking that other half of it was still alive, your depressed state, endless crying, self hatred he stood by you and comforted you.

Your always thank your brother Bokuto for bringing him into your life when you needed comfort the most. The prognosis the doctor gave that playing volleyball like you used to would be different with a prosthetic and that playing wing spiker was simply out the question was the nail in the coffin.

As the match came to an end and the teams shook hands with each other delicate hands wheeled yourself out of the gymnasium, Akaashi had applied for a ramp to be installed for you which was ultimately approved.

You wheel yourself to the outside court that they had for when the weather was nice and pulled the pink and white Volleyball from your bag bouncing It against the wall and it landing softly in your lap as you repeat this process.









"Catch" you hear behind you a pair of hands grabbing the ball from above your head you tilt up to meet the eyes of your boyfriend. The fact your boyfriend always seems to know when you’re thinking about the accident and is immediately their to provide comfort brings a smile on your pretty face.

"How did I do my proud lioness?" He smirks planting a kiss on your lips before handing you back the ball, his large strong hands taking the pink sports bag and placing it on his back along with his own as the pair of you make way back to your apartment. The setting orange kissed sun reflecting against the river that 2 bodies stroll beside "you did so well Keiji-Chan you was like BAM and then was like BOOM!" expressing the actions with your hands as avlaugh escaped him.

"How was therapy today Y/N" he asks sweetly leaning down so he can hear the sweetness that is your voice "painful as always, but the doctor said that my leg is starting to rebuild its strength, he reckons I will be able to use crutches in a few months time" the tiny bit of excitement in your voice not going unnoticed by him.

"Let's stop here for a minute" you ask as he simply nods placing you beside the river as he sits the other side of your chair.

"You’ll play again Y/N-chan, I promise" Akaashi directs a small smile taking your hands in his as tears start to fall down from your gorgeous eyes "will I though, its been 2 years already and I haven't even so much as attempted to stand" sadness lacing that sentence.

"Y/N, I'll play for both of us until you can stand for yourself, so don't you dare give up! Even if It takes 5 or 10 years for you to stand until the day that I can toss that pink and white ball to you and those pretty hands of yours connect with it comes I want you to never stop trying" his eyes laced with tears as they decorate his cheeks and you find yourself joining him.

You know he means every word of what he just said and silently thank the world for blessing you with him.

Tomorrow was a new day....

And you were ready to tackle it again.

𝙼𝚁𝚂. 𝚂𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 🍦 𝙷𝚊𝚒𝚔𝚢𝚞𝚞 𝚡  𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚟𝚘𝚕.1Where stories live. Discover now