Ch.9 What to do

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The sun had set long ago, but I can't make myself move.

I've been standing at the edge of the oceans water for hours.

I can't provide for her..there is no future for us.

No I can't think like that. I told her I'd think of something and I will. Just not now. Of all times not now.

I stare at my phone and think about the call I got 2 weeks ago.

Sergeant Camden called..


Erich hasn't talked to me since my birthday 2 weeks ago.

I've been trying my hardest to act normal. I've never felt this way about anyone. It seems like he's given up on us before anything has really started, not to mention the fact that he asked me to be his, then never talked to me afterwards.

For the past two hours I'd been aimlessly walking around. I now look around at my surroundings.

Somehow I ended up at the lake I always go to when I need to think.

I find my usual log and sit down, placing my elbows on my knees, bowing my head and interlacing my fingers behind my neck.

After a long while I glance up at the water.

I think back to all the times Erich managed to make me smile.

"Of course babe, try not to miss me too much"

The "Good morning my beautiful princess" texts.

Then the one thing he said to me that made me realize that no matter how things turned out my feelings for him will never change.

"Baby it's only been a few months but I want you to know to me it's been an eternity. I've never liked any other girl as much as you, your the reason for my sanity your beautiful and just the absolute best thing I've ever had the pleasure of knowing. Your my goddess, my Aphrodite, my everything. It doesn't matter to me how far away we are distance can't compare to what I feel for you babe. Ich liebe dich, mein liebe.

My phone vibrates I'm so lost in thought I don't notice until I hear the voice mail playing.

"Um baby I, I have no excuse..I'm so sorry I haven't been talking to you. I've been really overwhelmed and I don't know what to do."

Click. That was the end of the voice mail. It was Erich and he was crying.

I sat there. For a long time. Contemplating. Then finally I decided to go home.


I did it. I called her..she didn't pick up.

I know I've screwed up big time I just don't know what to do about it.

I sit down in the sand staring out into the water replaying what Sergeant Camden told me.

I love her, but do I love her enough to keep this going? I have to..I have to do this.

I promised her. I promised myself.

My phone rang, expecting it to be Summer I answered it quickly.

"Baby I'm so sorry please hear me out." I cried

"Erich? Sweetie what's wrong?" It wasn't's my mom" Please come home it's late and were very worried"

"Be there in a minute" i tell her before hanging up.

Suddenly I stood up. Still gazing out blankly into the water.

I turn to leave expressionless.


So this chapter is very badly written, depressing, and short. I'm sorry, I'm losing interest but I will try I promise!!! I just need to plan more because it was kind of an at the spur of the moment thing. Anyway..

Song for the chapter:
-Deathbeds: Bring Me The Horizon
-Can you feel my heart: bring me the horizon

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