Ch.1 Intoducing me

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Today will be marked in my mind forever. I didn't know it at the time but on this day, this girl will change my entire life.

I woke up squinting because of the bright light shining through my thin curtain. I pulled the blanket up over my head trying to block out the sun, leaving one arm out to feel around on my night stand for my phone. Feeling the smooth case of my iPhone I pulled it under my blanket, cringing from the brightness as I turned it on.

A bunch of pointless notifications are listed. But one stuck out.

A message on flurv.

Opening the app I'd downloaded two months ago, I saw that there there was a message from the cute blonde I'd been fantasizing about for the past week.

"Hi:)" The message says.

"What's up?" I messaged back.

To make a long first impression short we hit it off great. I learned that she's a 15 year old American who has a fetish for ketchup and Germans, which made me very happy considering my heritage.

We talked about everything from favourite colours, to life goals. Never once was there a dull moment. I lied down on my stomach propping myself up on my elbows and texted her all morning.

From this one conversation I feel like I've known her my whole life. One day I'm gonna steal your heart. I thought.


I've been bored AF for like an hour. Jeff left to go shopping like 30min ago, dad left before I got up, and Debby.. I think she left a while ago.

After lying In bed channel surfing for half an hour, I realized there was nothing good on at the moment.

Grabbing my phone off of my night stand, I decided to get on Instagram.

Ugh. I'll be glad when dad follows through with getting me an iPhone.

My current ratchet galaxy is too slow and well its not an iPhone. Curling up under the covers I settled my headphones into my ears and listened to "Bulls In The Bronx" by Pierce The Veil, turning the volume up pretty loud.

Dad says Im going to burst my eardrums and go deaf before I'm 20. I just shrugged and told him that Debby would be in charge of paying for my hearing aid.

Finding nothing interesting other than a few pics my friend Morgan posted and some other random pictures, I finally gave up stopped my music and locked my phone.

Bored and tired as hell I pushed my lazy butt out of bed and headed toward the bathroom.

Stepping into the shower I let the sudden coolness of the water awaken my senses. I honestly don't know how long I stayed wrapped in this miniature waterfall that gradually heated up. I did the usual shower, shampoo, get shampoo in my eye, condition, and drop the conditioner bottle on my foot before calling it quits.

I was reluctant to leave the bathroom but I always loved these moments when I had the house to myself. These wonderful little snippets of time when I can wake up and have a few hours to myself without constantly bickering with my she devil of a stepmother Debby, and dealing with Jeff and his friends popping up at the most random times.

Leaving the bathroom I proceeded to my room. I decided to let my hair air dry because I couldn't be bothered to blow dry it.

When i got in my room I noticed my phone was vibrating and wriggling around on my bed like it was possessed.

While I was in the shower I got one missed call from my friend/ex John sams, a text from kiersten, and another text from jeff saying he'd be home late and would I pretty please cover for him.

After messaging Jeff and kiersten I decided I'd call John later.

As for now I've had my eye on a certain sexy German master for a while.

I'd seen his picture on Flurv and instantly wanted to know him.

Why don't I message him you might ask? I don't know guess I'm just nervous.. I mean I guess it couldn't hurt. Worse case scenario he hates Americans..

Slipping into my favourite pair of pj shorts and a tank top, i decided to try my luck.

Well here's to the girls who want a bae but can't seem to get there s.hit together long enough to talk to anyone.

"Hi:)" I typed and sent before I could change my mind.

"Oh crap" I mumbled already regretting sending the message. I've been practically cyberstalking this guy for like 3 weeks now. After sighing dramatically I lie down on my bed staring at the ceiling, phone clutched in my right hand.

Well now we play the waiting game I thought..

10min later still no reply..5 min later I'm on the verge of hysterics when my phone vibrates.

I check the message maybe a little to quickly. Only to be disappointed. "Be home at 5 -dad".

And we wait.....

So after waiting for about ten more minutes my stomach decides that it's had enough of my bs. Crawling out of bed I turn my ringer on high so I could hear from the kitchen.

Slipping out of my room and heading around the corner I stop in the kitchen. I opened the fridge finding about five eggs, water, and cheese. Standing on my tiptoes I open all the cabinets finding half a box of pop tarts and a full box of Special K. I decided on the cereal and sat down at the island to eat.

Two spoon fulls of Special K later my phone shrieks. The noise frightening in the quietness of the house. Cereal and stomach forgotten I rushed back to my room and sure enough there was a notification from flurv.

"What's up?-Erich"

Okay so your probably thinking get your s.hit together he's just a guy. But I couldn't help the squeal of joy that tore from my lips.

Long story short we talked and talked some more.

He told me about his dream of honouring his country. He told me he lived in El Paso but he might as well have said Jupiter for all the good it'll do me.

Anyway eventually he unexpectedly messaged
"your different."

"Good different?" I replied a little confused.

"We''s just that I don't specifically like Americans..but it's different with you.."

Too shocked to think of anything better to say I replied "oh".

After a brief pause I'm sure he was contemplating what to say next.

Which is why I was completely caught off guard when my phone vibrated telling me that he'd messaged back.

"Call me" followed by a phone number.

"Lord I don't know what I've done to deserve this, but thank you" I whispered smiling and blushing furiously.


Erm okay so how was it?? Hopefully not too bad cause I'm doing this as a gift for my friend so please tell me if its bad and how to fix it😁 thnx for reading!! Song for the chapter Steal Your Heart: by Augustana

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