Ch.2 Tangled in the great escape

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What was I thinking? First I tell her I don't like Americans then I tell her to call me. Wtf.

She's probably thinking I'm a jerk. I'm usually so good with girls what's different about this one?

Running a frustrated hand through my hair. I sit and wait for the call ill never get.

To my surprise my phone rang shortly after i texted her. Hesitantly I answered "um hello".

I wasn't prepared for the hypnotic silky sweet sound of her voice as she said "hello".

I immediately found myself wanting to hear more from this girl.

I thought of lying next to her with my arms wrapped protectively around her just listening to her rant about anything until I fell asleep.

I was so caught up in my daydream that I was startled back to reality when she cleared her throat to make sure I was still there.

"Um, right, hi" I said lamely wishing I could crawl in the nearest hole and wait for kingdom come.

Then I heard the sweet innocent sound of her giggling and I couldn't help but smile.

Downstairs I heard a door slam. "Erich get dressed its beautiful outside we're going to the park." My mom yelled as happy as could be.

"Mom. Can it wait? I'm kinda busy" I yelled back embarrassed that summer was probably laughing at this conversation.

"Erich Joachim Köhler!! You get down here right now. Your never too busy for family. And plus your brother just got a new football and would love to play with you!!" My mom yelled frantically.

Best not to argue with women.

"Fine" I groaned. Wishing that I could talk to summer just a little longer. I'll call her when I get back home I thought.

Sighing heavily, I returned to my phone call. But before I could say anything she said "So call me when you get back?" Almost as if she had read my mind.

"Of course babe. Try not to miss me too much" I replied my usual ease returning.

"Enjoy the park Köhler" she said before hanging up. I could tell she was smiling by the way she said it making me smile.

Realizing that everyone was likely downstairs waiting for me to get ready, I grabbed some fresh clothes and headed to the shower.

Standing there waiting for the water to heat up. I allowed my mind to drift back to summer..

Summer.. This simple girl who I want to know more about. Beautiful doesn't even begin to describe her. I can't help wondering if she's thinking the same things I am.. probably not.

A knock on the door brought me back to reality.

"Erich hurry up! Mom says we're gonna play with my new football at the park today" my little brother says excitedly standing outside of the bathroom door.

"Sorry bud I'm on my way" I replied and stepped into the shower.

After I'd washed all the shampoo out of my hair and eyes I stopped the water, got out of the shower, dried my hair as best as I could then put on my clothes.

I left the bathroom made a detour to my room to pick up a few things like my phone and shoes then headed downstairs.

"There you are I was beginning to think you'd bailed on us." My father said with a small grin on his face.

I smiled back and reached for an apple that was in the fruit bowl we kept on the kitchen counter. The truth is I loved hanging out with my family. We haven't had quality time like this in a while and I kinda miss it.

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