Ch.7 Bae status?

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It's been three months since me and Erich started talking. We haven't talked much, with him training and both of us starting school we've been struggling to find the time.

I now sit in first block listening to my biology teacher Mrs. Darrell talk about meiosis and mitosis.

The only thing keeping me awake is Erich. We'd been texting all morning.

So what's your favourite hobby? I text him playing our favourite game of 20 questions it was my turn.

Our game I thought smiling to myself.

My phone vibrates.

Drawing and you?

I don't really know. Reading, hanging out with friends. Nothing exciting:/

Baby I'm sure everything you do is exciting;)

I don't know I'm pretty boring:p

Nah your beautiful, funny, and kinda derp but it's cute:)

Awe thanks your beautiful too;)

Uhm hello I'm a man Im not beautiful I'm masculine cx

K babe whatever you say ;* So you draw? Draw me something!

I want to draw you beautiful xx

Well do it beautiful xx ;)

That's Mr. Masculine to you!

Lol whatever Erich, wyd cx

In physics learning about Delta O.O


Delta is basically a triangle or Greek letter that means "change in" it's used in most formulas like for displacement, velocity, or acceleration. It's not as hard as it sounds.

Lol okay well I gtg bells about to ring

Have a great day beautiful x

You too cx

"So y'all are on bae status or nah?" Morgan asks me during lunch.

Morgan's the type of girl who's kinda crazy but fun to be around. Shes black but acts more like a white girl. We decided she was an Oreo. Black on the outside but white on the inside. Some people judge her for not acting and I quote "like black people are suppose to act" but she doesn't care. She literally has no filter before she talks which is annoying sometimes but really kinda funny.

She is a troubled girl, most people see her fun exterior and think she's "normal" when on the inside she feels like a failure. I would know, we talk about pretty much everything because we're best friends.

I turn to her now and see the way her brown eyes sparkle with curiosity, the way her hair lies just below her chin, and also the way she's staring at me waiting for me to answer her question.

I take a bite of my pizza I'd brought for lunch and swallow before answering her.

"I don't know honestly it's only been 2 months, and he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend or anything" I reply hesitantly.

"I understand you not wanting to rush into things, I mean isn't he going to be in the Air Force or whatever? Have you thought about what happens after that?" Asks my other best friend Audrey.

Audrey was the one in the group who tells it like it is and gets you to look at the whole of things.

We all argue amongst ourselves occasionally but honestly we'd be a wreck without each other.

I turn to her, noticing her long black hair descending down her back, makeup enhancing her features not drowning them, and the young yet sophisticated look in her eyes.

"I've thought about it" I began to answer her question. "And honestly I don't know what's going to happen. He says its too soon to think about all that and we'll figure it out later, I just don't want him to leave and forget about me!" I say looking down at my pizza not feeling hungry anymore.

Morgan notices my discomfort and changes the subject. She starts talking about some hot guy she saw walking in the hallway. All I could think about was, what happens when he leaves? Will he forget me? What If he.. No I can't think about that, he's alive now and that's what matters.

My phone vibrates in my pocket.

I've already got an idea for the picture I'm gonna draw you ;)

Tell me!!

Awe babe what's the fun in that? It's gonna be a surprise! Wait till your birthday cx

What!! It's September now! My birthdays in February!!

I'm aware :p have a nice day my princess xx

So my birthday was last Wednesday and I would've wrote then but I had tests all week and babe trust me it was a struggle but I'm here now and I'm not going to be able to upload anything over Christmas so ill try to at least get three chapters in before then. Love you guys :)

Song for the chapter

Rocketeer: Far East Movement

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