Part 50✨

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Third person POV:

Minyoung paced anxiously across the dorms living room, waiting for the younger girl to come back from the company. Jisoo and Dee sat on the couch in front of her, watching their leader walk back and forth while mumbling incoherent things to herself. Piper had already fallen asleep on the other couch, the other two girls looking at her enviously. They were worried about Y/n as well but they wished that they could have slept in a little longer without being abruptly woken up by their leader.
"Unnie stop stressing, come sit down I'm sure she'll be here soon.." Dee said in an attempt to calm the older females nerves. Minyoung sighed and went to sit down but before she could, the front door creaked open. Y/n groggily walked in, squinting as she held her head up with her right hand. She closed the door and froze when she turned around and saw all of her members staring at her.

"Oh hi guys..Uhm why are you all up this early?" She questioned, feeling slightly uncomfortable.
"We were waiting for you to come home, Minyoung was worried so she woke us all up" Jisoo said bitterly, her irritation directed more at their leader rather than their maknae. Y/n looked down guiltily,
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you worry...and I'm sorry you were woken up because of me...but why exactly are you worried?" She asked as she tilted her head to the side, making eye contact with Minyoung.
"Chani called me around an hour ago saying you stayed overnight at the company" the older girl said hesitantly. At the mention of the male, Y/n rolled her eyes and sighed.
"Why did you stay there overnight?" Minyoung asked, already having an idea of what the answer was going to be. The younger girl scratched the back of her head and looked down,
"I Uhm I passed out...again...I had a panic attack and went to my studio because it's quiet but I passed out once I got there..."
"Why didn't you call any of us?" Dee spoke up from behind Minyoung.

"I-I didn't want to talk to anyone.." Y/n mumbled, starting to feel as though she was being interrogated. Minyoung's eyes softened,
"Was it because of the argument you had with Chani?" She asked causing Y/n to quickly look up at her with wide eyes.
"Y-you know about that?!" She exclaimed. Minyoung slightly nodded,
"Well not what it was about but when he called he said you got into an argument before you had a panic attack" she explained. Y/n relaxed slightly,
"Well I'm home now and I'm fine so you don't need to worry about me" she said with a halfhearted smile. When she got no response from her members she walked past them and into her room, sitting at the end of her bed, swinging her legs over the edge. After a few seconds, Minyoung walked into the room, softly closing the door so they could talk in private. Y/n kept her head down as she played with her fingers in her lap. Minyoung sighed and sat next to her,
"Y/n I'm really worried about you...your panic attacks are getting worse and you passed out.. the last time that happened you were hospitalised" Minyoung said with concern.

Y/n looked up at the older girl and smiled reassuringly,
"Unnie I'm fine I promise, it's just a lot has been going on lately.." she said as she maintained eye contact with her leader. Minyoung nodded in understanding,
"Can I ask what the argument between you and Chani was about yesterday?" She asked. Y/n immediately broke eye contact and looked down,
"It was nothing"
"Clearly it wasn't nothing if you had a panic attack over it"
"He just said something to me but it's fine he apologised"
"But you're still upset about it, what did he say?"
Y/n sighed at her leaders persistence. Should I tell her about Chani and I? She thought to herself.
"We got into an argument because I was defending Jaemin... he kept stopping the dance to tell Jaemin he was doing something wrong so I told him to stop because he was doing the choreography perfectly and then he got mad at me and told me that I was flirting with Jaemin the whole time and that I wanted to sleep with Jaemin and that he wouldn't be surprised if I did even though we're together and that would be cheating and I would never do that and that's why I got upset and-" Y/n's ramble was stopped when Minyoung spoke,
"Hey Y/n it's okay take a breath..just breathe" she comforted, feeling relieved when the younger stopped talking and took a deep breath.

"Wait..did you say that you're together? As in you two are a couple?" She asked as she furrowed her eyebrows. Y/n hesitantly nodded, tightly closing her eyes, scared of how the older girl was going to react.
"Y/n I'm not mad...I understand why you didn't tell anyone but you can trust me" she reassured as she placed a comforting hand on her back. Y/n gently opened her eyes to look at Minyoung, giving her a small yet grateful smile.
"I love him so much Unnie but what he said really hurt me..I know he was upset and jealous and he apologised straight after but it still really hurts" she confessed. Minyoung stared sadly at the smaller girl,
"He's at the company now right? I'll go talk to him if you want me to" Minyoung offered, receiving a small nod from Y/n. Not long after their conversation, Minyoung left the dorm and drove to the company building.

I just want to say I'm so sorry I haven't been active lately and that I haven't been updating this book I've just been really busy with my part time job and studying for my major exams so I haven't had a lot of time or motivation to write.

Also R U OK day was the other day and I just wanted to say that if any of you need someone to talk to or are feeling upset, you can always message me and I'll try my best to help, this is your safe place and no one here will judge you❤️✨ I love you, have a good day/night🥰

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