Part 21✨

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Y/n's POV:

Piper and I bounced up and down excitedly as we stared at the large amusement park outside of the small car window. We grasped each other's hands while staring in awe at the assortment of rides and stalls. Jisoo crossed her arms and groaned beside us, causing me to look at her.
"Awe Unnie don't worry, you don't have to go on the big rides, I'm sure some of the boys will stay with you if you're scared" I comforted while patting her shoulder. She scoffed at me and pushed my hand off of her shoulder,
"I'm not scared" she stated, causing both Piper and I to laugh.
"I'm not!" She quickly defended.
"Sureeeee, we totally believe you" Piper teased causing Jisoo to reach over me in order to hit her over the head.
"Okay girls thats enough, get out of the car" Minyoung spoke up as she opened the door next to Jisoo, shaking her head at her members behaviour.

We all filed out of the car that was parked outside of the amusement park. Piper and I held onto each other tightly as we jumped around in circles. Jisoo silently glared at us from a far and Minyoung and Dee watched with amused smiles on their faces.
"Sometimes I can't tell the difference between two five year olds and those two" Dee laughed, causing Minyoung to nod in agreement.
"At least they're having fun" Minyoung said before looking next to the two girls, where Sf9 had just parked. Dawon immediately ran over to Piper and I and began jumping around with us. Rowoon was pushed out of the car and dragged his feet to where Jisoo was standing, his face pale.
"You don't like heights either?" He asked her while staring at one of the roller coasters, gulping slightly. She slowly nodded her head, also staring at the large attraction within the amusement park.

As soon as Chani stepped out of the car I quickly ran over to him smiling brightly up at him. He returned the smile as I held onto his shoulders, bouncing up and down.
"We need to go on every ride, especially the big ones!" I exclaimed causing him to laugh and nod. I grabbed his hand in mine and excitedly pulled him towards the entrance of the park. He stumbled a bit before matching his pace with mine. Once we made it past the entrance, Youngbin and Minyoung explained that we could do whatever we wanted as long as we met back at the entrance at 1pm. We all nodded and went our separate ways. Dee, Jisoo, Rowoon and Inseong went to the area where the stalls and the food were first. The rest of us split into two groups, one group consisting of Minyoung, Piper, Dawon, Chani and I and the other group consisting of Youngbin, Jaeyoon, Zuho, Taeyang and Hwiyoung.

Our group immediately stood in the long line for one of the biggest roller coasters in the park. I leant against the railing behind me, watching the ride in awe. As I was watching the ride I noticed a random guy in front of me in the line staring at me. My eyes shifted from the ride to him. I felt extremely uncomfortable when he licked his lips as he looked me up and down with a creepy smile on his face. Chani noticed the guy staring at me and scoffed as he glared at the male. He moved closer to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and placed his head on my shoulder, putting himself in a position where he was hugging me. The creepy guy rolled his eyes and looked away, shifting his attention to the line in front of him.
"That's one thing I hate about you" Chani mumbled in my ear causing me to look at him confused. I titled my head to the side and furrowed my eyebrows, implying that I didn't know what he meant.
"You're so perfect that other guys can't help but stare at you, and I don't like when other guys look at you" he lowly said. I smiled at what he said and decided that it would be fun to tease him.
"Why would it bother you if other guys look at me?" I innocently asked. He sighed at my question and bent down to place his head in the crook of my neck. He tightened his grip around my waist before answering,
"Because it makes me jealous, they shouldn't be looking at something that's mine" he said, barely audible for me to hear. I widened my eyes at what he said and turned a dark shade of red.
"Y-yours?" I repeated, flustered at his previous comment. He hummed as a way of saying yes, removing his head from my neck. Before I could say anything else, the line started moving and we were called to be the next ones on the ride.

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