Part 44✨

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Y/n's POV:

I lay horizontally on the couch, staring up at the ceiling, throwing a small hand ball I found around the dorm into the air, easily catching it as it descends. I keep my eyes focused on the rubber ball as I continue to throw it into the air every few seconds. Jisoo walks over to me and catches the ball while it's in the air, sitting on the end of the couch. I groan at the loss of entertainment and sit up. I glare at her as she tosses it between her hands.
"Why do you have to suck the fun out of everything" I rhetorically ask. She keeps her eyes on the ball and laughs,
"It's pretty sad if you call that fun" she retorts causing me to scoff. I sit up properly and place my feet on the ground.
"I'm really bored so anything that involves actually doing something is fun to me" I state. She shakes her head and throws the ball back into my hands.
"Well the guys are coming over tonight so hopefully that will cure your boredom" she says as she stands up. I look at her surprised,
"The guys are coming over tonight? Since when?" I ask. She shrugs,
"I don't know I think it was a last minute thing." I look down at the ball in my hands and nod as she walks away from me and into her room.
"Wait! How long is soon?" I call out to her. She turns around and checks the time on her phone,
"Around 6 I think" she replies.

I look down at my appearance and scrunch my nose, not pleased with how I look. I should probably get changed before they get here, I don't want to look homeless in front of them. I stand up and make my way to my room, closing the door behind me. I open my wardrobe and stare at the options in front of me. Wanting to look comfortable yet cute I pull out a white T-shirt, red shorts and a black denim jacket with a red hood attached to it.

 Wanting to look comfortable yet cute I pull out a white T-shirt, red shorts and a black denim jacket with a red hood attached to it

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I slip into the clothing items and smile at myself in the mirror, pleased with my appearance. As I fix my hair in the mirror, flattening strands that were sticking up, Minyoung calls my name from the living room.
"Y/n come out! The guys are here!" She yelled causing me to widen my eyes and look at the clock on my wall.
"It's 6 already?!" I exclaim out loud. I rush out of the room and accidentally run into Hwiyoung. He laughs at my clumsy behaviour and grabs my arms, steadying me so I don't fall over.
"Sorry...and thank you" I lightly laugh as I look up at him, giving him a gentle smile.

He pulls me into a tight hug, ruffling the top of my head. I stand on my toes as I hug him back, placing my chin over his shoulder. As I hug him I make eye contact with Chani who stands by the door with Jaeyoon and Inseong. He gives me a warning look which causes me to gently push Hwiyoung away from me. I smile at the taller male before excusing myself to greet the other members, more specifically my boyfriend who continued to glare at me from across the room. I roll my eyes and walk over to him with my arms crossed.
"Stop glaring at me it's annoying" I whine as I look up at him. He looks down at me and shrugs,
"Well stop flirting with my members" he argues. I scoff at him,
"Flirting? All I did was hug him, he's my friend too you know" I reply slightly annoyed that he was getting jealous over the tiniest thing. He narrowed his eyes at me,
"You were being overly friendly" he says matter of factly.
"What's your problem? You know I'm a naturally touchy and affectionate person..." I mumble quietly, becoming upset over the fact that he was arguing with me about this.

Dawon walks over to us and slings an arm around Chani's shoulder.
"Hey guys what are you talking about?" He asks, completely ignorant of the tension between Chani and I.
"Nothing...we're done talking now anyway" I mumble as I give Dawon a small smile before walking away, leaving without saying anything to my boyfriend. Dawon looks at Chani with a sympathetic smile,
"Women these days are so confusing" he states with a small laugh. Chani ignores his statement and stares at my back silently as I walk away, feeling guilty for making me upset.

Sf9 Chani x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora