Part 16✨

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Chani's POV:

Both groups were sat outside in a small restaurant decorated nicely with small plants and fairy lights hanging above the tables. Sf9 sat at a table of nine and Eclipse sat at a table of five next to us. Both groups were enjoying their food and laughing with another, as I was laughing at something Dawon had said I glanced over to Eclipse's table. I observed as Y/n scrolled through her phone with a smile on her face, looking at fans comments on one of her recent Instagram posts. She always loved talking to her fans and reading their comments, and due to being in a rookie group, the love from her fans meant a lot more to her.

She suddenly stops scrolling and her smile slowly fades causing me to frown. Dee immediately notices her change in attitude and looks over her shoulder at her phone to see what she was looking at. After looking at Y/n's phone, Dee gently takes it from her hand, turns it off and places it in her pocket. She then places her arm around the smaller girls shoulders and rubs her arm while whispering something in her ear. The other girls notice that their maknae is upset and attempt to cheer her up. The younger girl smiles in a fake manner and laughs at her members before returning to her silent state once their attention is off of her. She stares sadly at the table in front of her as she plays with her hands in her lap. I begin to worry about her the more she stays silent.

My attention is taken away from her as Dawon speaks up, gaining the attention of everyone on the table.
"A few of the girls and I talked about going to the club nearby tonight, do any of you want to come?" He asked as he took a sip of his drink. A few of the members such as Inseong, Youngbin and Zuho immediately shook their heads no. Jaeyoon, Rowoon and Taeyang agreed to go and ended up convincing Hwiyoung to go as well, leaving me to be the last one to decide. They all looked at me awaiting my answer, I looked at Dawon and shrugged causing him to groan.
"It's yes or no Chani, just come it'll be fun" he said.
"Yeah just come, Piper, Jisoo and Y/n are going too" Jaeyoon added, knowing that I would say yes if I heard that Y/n was going.
"I guess I'll go" I said as I made eye contact with Jaeyoon, causing Dawon to pat me on the back and Jaeyoon to laugh.


After we all ate, we individually made our way back up to our rooms to rest before going out later that night. I opened the door to my shared room with Y/n and quietly walk in to see her laying face down on the bed. She had her head buried in the pillows and her arms rested underneath her head. I sit on my side of the bed and gently shake her shoulder.
"Hey...are you okay? I saw that you were upset at lunch" I softly said, not wanting to disturb her too much. She ignores me and moves her head to the side, facing away from me. I sighed and stood up, I walked over to the other side of the bed and bent down so I was looking at her face. Her eyes were puffy and red and her face was damp from the tears that were running down her face.

My heart broke at the sight of her. I hated seeing her upset, and I hated when she cried. I just wanted to hug her and protect her from everything bad in the world but I knew I couldn't. I brought my hand up to cup the side of her face, wiping away the tears that fell from her eyes.
"Y/n please tell me what happened so I can try and help you" I asked as I moved my hand to her hair, slowly playing with it to calm her down. She opened the phone in her hands and handed it to me. I looked down at it and saw that is was open to the comment section of her recent Instagram post. The picture was of Eclipse posing next to the pool in their swimsuits with some of the Sf9 members posing in the background. I began to read some of the comments and slowly understood why she was so upset.
"She looks like a sl*t"
"She doesn't deserve to be an idol, she's only there to sleep with Sf9"
"I feel bad for Sf9, they're being forced to hang with a girl like that"
"She needs to lose some weight"
"She's too skinny"
"She's too short"

I begin to delete all of the negative comments on the post and turn off her phone, placing it on the table next to the bed.
"Do you really believe all of that?" I ask as I look back at her. A few more tears slip out of her eyes as she nods.
"T-they're right...I'm not good enough..." she quietly says through her tears.
"Y/n nothing that they said was true" I say as she sits up and rubs her eyes. I take her hands in my own and continue,
"They're just jealous of you okay? There's nothing to hate about you, and you're good enough so never say that you're not, you don't need to lose or gain any weight because your perfect just the way you are, you deserve to be an idol more than anyone else does because you work so hard everyday and you're so talented Y/n". Tears began filling my eyes as she continued to cry the more I spoke.

"We're not being forced to hang out with you, we all love you and we all love spending time with you, not because we have to but because we choose to, and to those people who say you're too short, they clearly haven't hugged you" I say causing her to laugh softly.
"I hate seeing you upset because all I want to do is protect you..." I admitted as I looked down at our intertwined hands. She suddenly wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me.
"Thank you Chanhee...I really needed to hear that" she sincerely said as she leaned forward and kissed the side of my cheek. She pulls away and softly smiles at me before wiping the tears from her face and sighing.
"Well I definitely need a few drinks tonight" she laughed, causing me to shake my head at her.
"You're too young to drink" I scolded as I stood up.
"No I'm nottttt I'm 19, that means I'm old enough to drink" she said as she crossed her arms.
"Whatever you say" I sarcastically say as I smile down at her, happy that she's starting to feel better.

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