Part 46✨

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Chani's POV:

Youngbin, Taeyang and I were in one of the dance rooms, blasting random music from the large speaker in the corner of the room as a way to de-stress and relax from work. I stood up and freestyled to the song that was playing, unaware of the water on the ground in front of me that had dropped from one of the guys bottles earlier. As I danced I stepped forward, slipping on the water and landing on my shoulder. I gripped my shoulder and threw my head back in pain.
"Shit that really hurts.." I mumbled as Youngbin and Taeyang rushed over to where I was sitting on the ground.
"Are you okay?" Youngbin asked worriedly as he knelt down beside me, cautiously placing his hand on my back.
"Yeah it looked like you landed on your arm pretty hard.." Taeyang added whilst staring down at me.
"I don't shoulder hurts like hell" I groaned causing the two older males to look at each other with a concerned expression. Youngbin directed his attention back to me,
"Can you move it?" He asked. I attempted to slightly rotate it, keeping my hand on it for support. I immediately winced in pain and stopped moving it as I shook my head.
"Nope can't move it.." I said, my voice laced in pain.

Youngbin helped me back on my feet as Taeyang called our manager. Taeyang explained what had happened and was instructed to take me to a hospital to make sure nothing was broken and to see how much time I would need to take off from practice and promoting with the group. Youngbin drove us to the hospital, getting there as quickly as he could. We arrived at the hospital and I jumped out of the car, tightly clutching my shoulder. We checked in and had to wait in the waiting room for a while until a doctor was available to see us. We didn't have to wait for long when a doctor called us into one of the rooms. I sat on a small stool as the other two stood nervously off to the side. The doctor examined my shoulder and asked me a few questions. He came to the conclusion that it wasn't broken but it would be best if I didn't promote or practice with the group for at least two weeks.
"Two weeks?! But K-con is in two weeks and I need to perform with Y/n..." I argued causing Youngbin to place his hand on my other shoulder.
"It's okay maybe your shoulder will be fine by then" he comforted.

I sighed and reluctantly agreed to not promote or practice with the group, thanking the doctor for his help before exiting the room. Youngbin called our manager and informed him of what the doctor said. Youngbin asked the manager about Chani's performance with Y/n, scratching the back of his head before hesitantly handing the phone to me.
"Chani are you feeling okay? You need to be more careful, we can't afford you hurting yourself but you're lucky we don't have a lot of promotions coming up.." our manager said. I sighed into the phone before answering,
"Yes I'm okay and I understand I'm sorry I'll be more careful in the future." He hummed in response,
"Anyway in regards to your performance with Y/n at K-con unfortunately you won't be doing it anymore" he informed. I widened my eyes,
"No buts, you're not able to practice for two weeks and although you know the dance, you both still need to practice and we can't afford to waste those two weeks doing nothing so Eclipse's manager is going to find someone else to do the dance with her" he finished. Knowing that I wasn't going to be able to convince him otherwise, I accepted that I wouldn't be doing the dance with Y/n, feeling progressively annoyed that another guy would be touching her.

~Later that day~
Third person POV:

Eclipse's manager sat off to the side of the dance room, rubbing his temples as he watched Y/n set up for a dance V-live. He was desperately trying to think of who he could pair  up with Y/n for the choreography and who would be able to perfect it in two weeks. Y/n played music from the speaker, covering dances from both male and female groups. After a few songs, Nct Dream's 'Ridin' started playing. As he listened to the song and as he watched Y/n dance, he gasped and instantly grabbed his phone. After a few phone calls, he had found an idol that was willing to learn the choreography for Y/n's solo song. He dialled Chani's number, waiting for the younger idol to pick up.
"Hello?" A deep voice said from the other side of the phone.
"Hello Chani sorry to bother you but we've found someone that is willing to do the choreography with Y/n and we don't have the choreographer anymore so I was wondering if you would be able to teach him? You would need to meet at the practice room at 6:00am tomorrow, and I know your shoulder is injured but you won't need to do anything physical, you would just need to instruct him" Eclipse's manager asked, praying that the idol would say yes. Chani quickly agreed, not wanting to leave Y/n alone with another male idol.
"Great thank you so much, I'll see you tomorrow morning!" He happily said before hanging up the phone.

I'm sorry I haven't been updating as much lately and I'm also sorry if the chapters have been boring I just haven't been feeling the best lately but hopefully the next few chapters will be better:) also thank you for 2k reads!!!! It's means a lot to me that you guys are enjoying the book, I love you❤️

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