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Hi everyone!!! ✨✨✨

I haven't updated this book in so long and it was so long ago that I finished it and I honestly miss talking with a lot of you and seeing your comments. I recently just read through the book again and it's inspired me to write a second book to clear up any questions in regards to the first book such as: how does the company react? etc. I've seen a few comments asking for a second book so I'm finally going to do it, although this book definitely won't be as long and the updates probably won't be as regular as the first one because i'll be very busy with university and other commitments but i'll definitely try my best to produce a good story for you all!!!!

Also If any of you have any questions in regards to the first book please feel free to comment below and i'll answer them and if you have any ideas of what you want in the second book also leave them in the comments and I'll possibly include them in the second one. :)

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