Part 4✨

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Third Person POV:

After Chani dropped Y/n off at the dorms, she dragged her body through the dorm and straight to her shared room with Piper. She collapsed onto the bed with her face facing down consumed by her pillows. Piper sat on her own bed with her phone in her hand scrolling through who knows what. She looked up from her phone and towards Y/n who remained motionless on the bed.
"Someone's tired" She said as she went back to scrolling through her phone.
A muffled agreement came from Y/n's bed as she kicked her legs up and down out of frustration.
"That's what happens when you practice too much" Piper says which causes Y/n to lift her head from her pillows. She glares slightly at Piper and sits up with her legs crossed facing her.
"It's not like I want to practice, I just have to" Y/n sighs.
"We all HAVE to practice but you're pushing yourself too hard...when we got home Minyoung told us that she's not going to let you stay back to practice anymore and she's going to make you come home with us every night, and we all agreed" Piper says seriously as she turns her phone off and faces Y/n.
"I'm sorry, but it's for the best" she says as she looks at Y/n sadly, watching as she falls back onto her bed with her hands covering her face. Y/n knows that she won't be able to persuade Minyoung especially when it comes to any of the members health. She removes her hands from her face and stares at the ceiling in despair.

"We should both sleep" Piper speaks up before turning off their shared lamp in between their beds.
"Night Y/n" she says as she slides herself into her bed and closes her eyes. Y/n remains silent as she continues to stare at the ceiling.
"night.." she mumbles back barely audible for Piper to hear.

As she stares into the dark room, she begins to think of how she can continue practicing for her solo dance without Minyoung knowing. She could always wake up earlier and go to the company before the members wake up, but Minyoung would eventually find out so that ideas a bust. Just before she's about to give up and go to sleep, she abruptly sits up as she thinks of an idea that could work. Whenever we have free time or whenever we get home from practice I could tell Minyoung that I'm going to hang out with the guys but I would actually be going to practice. YES THATS GENIUS Y/N! Damn I'm so smart, they should start calling me the brains of Eclipse.

Once she finally calms down from her genius idea, she falls back onto her bed and closes her eyes with a faint smile on her lips, proud of the idea she had come up with.

~The next morning~
Saturday 8:00am
Y/n's POV:

I wake up to the sound of screaming coming from the living room. I sit up and rub the sleep out my eyes as they adjust to the light. I look around the room briefly before the screaming in the living room continues. I slide out of my bed and shuffle into the living room curious to see what all the commotion was about. Once I step into the room and witness what was happening, I start to wish that I hadn't gotten out of bed.

Jisoo was holding a smashed phone in her left hand and a rolling pin in her right hand held up in way that suggested she was going to hit someone with it. That someone being Piper. Jisoo was glaring daggers at Piper who stood on the opposite side of the couch from her, trying to avoid getting smacked by the rolling pin.
"It was an accident!" Piper pleaded as she held her hands up defensively.
"An accident???? You literally threw it across the room at me and said "Unnie catch!" after it had already hit the ground" Jisoo exclaimed as she pointed the rolling pin at Piper.

While this was going on, Minyoung was in between the two trying to calm them down and Dee was in the kitchen acting as if this was an ordinary day. She spots me from across the room and waves me over with a bright smile on her face.
"Good morning Y/n!" She happily says as she ruffles the top of my hair making me groan and scrunch my nose. She laughs at my reaction and offers me coffee to which I accept.
"How long have they been yelling like this?" I ask as she hands me a mug.
"Hmm maybe around half an hour?" She says very nonchalant as she shrugs her shoulders.
I slowly nod as I lean against the counter and sip on my coffee, hissing when the hot liquid makes contact with my tongue.

"Do we not have a schedule today?" I ask as I look back over to Jisoo and Piper who have seemed to have calmed down as Jisoo sits on the couch with her arms crossed with a scowl across her face and Piper stands in front of Minyoung, who I assume is giving Piper one of her lectures.
Dee shakes her head,
"No, we have a day off today, which is good because I don't think we would be getting much done with those two being down each other's throats all day" she laughs. I slightly giggle at her comment and push myself off of the counter and walk into the living room and towards the couch.

"Unnie what are we going to do today?" I say as I sit beside Minyoung and rest my head on her shoulder.
"Well I talked to Youngbin earlier and he said that they also have a free schedule so he suggested both groups going to the park later today and then going back the boys dorm for a movie night, would you guys mind if we did that?" Minyoung asked as the rest of the girls stood around her and nodded. She looked at me for confirmation and I quickly nodded my head excited to get out of the dorms for something other than work.

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