The epitome of elegance

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It had been 3 days since I last saw Gabriel and I was becoming more and more frustrated. I was locked in my room so that I could "recuperate".

I still couldn't talk, but that didn't matter that much. My classes were going to start again. They were important and difficult.

So when Riley came in to give me lunch I presented him with my carefully written plea to go back to class.

"So I don't really understand what is going on here, but as far as I can tell the reason I couldn't leave before was Gabriel. I haven't seen him in 3 days what difference will it make if I'm here or at uni?" I accompanied the note with an exaggerated pout and watery puppy eyes.

Riley looked guilty. He stared at the note and seemed to be mulling it over.

"I'm not sure if Gabriel will agree, Artemis. It doesn't really work that way. I can't really explain it to you, but he's kind of obsessed with you."

I rolled my eyes. Grabbing my note from him I quickly scribbled, "He's literally dating my sister."

I raised my eyebrows as I watched him read it and grimace.

Riley sighed loudly and then gave a defeated shrug, "Fine. I'll ask him, but that's not a guarantee."

I nodded and clapped happily.

He left my room with his face scrunched up as if he was about to walk into a swarm of bees.

About 30 minutes passed before the door to my room swung open.

Gabriel strolled into my room and leaned against the wall directly infront of me.

I couldn't help, but stare at him. I always forgot how beautiful he was. Chloe was lucky.

A frown made it's way onto my face. What was I thinking. It didn't matter what he looked like.

After that mini lecture I tried to ignore how sad I felt. If that was jealousy I had better get my shit together.

My eyes found their way back to Gabriel's, but this time I had myself under control. My eyes were blank and I put a friendly smile on my face.

Gabriel's eyes narrowed and his gaze seemed to flicker around my face while never leaving my eyes. I felt as though he were looking around my mind.

After a beat Gabriel began, "So your classes are starting?"

I nodded.

"And that is why you want to go to uni? To work?"

I nodded again.

"Not to party?"

I shook my head.

"Not to meet up with your boyfriend?"

I shook my head again.

"You don't have to lie to me. We both know you don't do your work."

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"If you want to go be a slut that's fine just admit it." He said it calmly as though he were catching me cheating on a diet.

It hurt. I wasn't sure why, but I felt my chest constrict and a lump form in my throat, not that that affected my ability to speak. I blinked quickly getting ahead of the water racing to my eyes.

"I dont care that you want to fuck oth- men. Why would it concern me?"

He was starting to get louder, rougher. Eyes darkening, jaw clenching.

My heart rate sped up. I was starting to get scared. How could I not? The last few times he got angry he strangled me.

I held my breath until it started to slow. When I was no longer hyperventilating I calmly shook my head. It didn't matter what he thought. He was right. It didn't concern him.

"You're just my wonderful girlfriend's spoilt sister." He spat that.

My hand went to my forearm nails dug as deeply as they could. And when they reached as far as they could they scratched my arm providing me a distraction. Something I could control.

I nodded.

He glared at me, "get out of my house nobody wants or needs you here. You aren't worth any of this."

I hesitated. I didn't understand. He was the one who brought me here. He stopped me from leaving. But everything he was saying was true.

"I said get out!" He seemed to explode.

I jumped, but quickly made my way out of the bed towards the door - and him.

I slowed as I came closer to him. His glare was hard and unyielding. Space seemed to distort around him. He felt like the center of the universe. Time seemed to slow the closer I got. The temperature began to rise. Sucking air into my lungs seemed impossible as my skin pricked.

He seemed to lean into me until he suddenly pulled back and said in a growling voice, "leave now."

So I did. I turned around quickly and left to room. The fact that I was in Ryan's clothes didn't cross my mind until I got outside and didnt see my car.

Well then. The clothes weren't that important. It's not like I was showing much skin. The shirt was massive and the tracksuit pants dragged on the gravel driveway.

"Oh my God. He actually let you go?"

I spun around so quickly I tripped on the pants and fell over.

"O to stand in the presence of the epitome of elegance." Riley said laughing at me.

I glowered playfully at him. I motioned driving.

He looked at me strangely.


I nodded and lifted my hands in line with my shoulders.

"... What? I'm sorry I really tried. I don't know what that means."

I restarted. I mimicked me driving and Gabriel ripping my car door off it's hinges while I screamed.

"Ooooooh. Right yeah. About that. Your car is a little busted so you can use one of ours."

I put my hands together to say thank you.

Riley fetched the keys and showed me to the car.

It was cute. A light yellow. I gave Riley a hug before getting into the car. Suddenly I remembered my bag and my phone. I mimicked a phone with my hand and holding a bag in the other.

"Your bag is in the back seat and your phone kinda broke so Gabriel got you a replacement it's in the glove box. We tried to transfer the data, but some of it might not have made it."

I shrugged nodding.

I was getting out of here. Finally some freedom.

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