A Warm Body Is Still Dead

969 30 8

T/W  Blood, Drug use, Murder

A/N: I'm sorry this chapter was so late. I really struggled to write it, but it has become one of my favorites. 

Breathing heavily he pulled away from me and caressed my face.

"I believe, I promised you morphine?"

"You did." I breathed, scared that if I was any louder I would break this fragile peace.

Jozef grabbed the morphine and stripped the packaging.

"Open your mouth."

Jozef spurted the contents of the syringe over my face and into my mouth.

My heart jumped, the morphine wouldn't work as well if I ingested it... but maybe it would work well enough.

I kept my mouth open and forced myself to sit up.

"I didn't think you'd be that into this. Your heart is racing." Jozef laughed and stroked my hair.

I strained my neck higher trying to close the gap.

"What do you want, little mouse?" He leaned closer, but kept just out of reach, "You want a kiss?"

I whined pathetically. Humiliation stained my ears red.

Oblivious to my self hatred Jozef cupped my face in his hands, "Oh, my poor, little mouse. So desperate for me."

Finally he let me kiss him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him tightly against me. Jozef grunted in surprise, but grabbed my hips and thrust against me softly.

Judging it to be the right time, I pushed as much of the morphine as I could from my mouth to his.

Jozef swallowed and pulled away with an eyebrow raised.

I let myself lean onto him, "I want you to feel as good as me." I kissed his chest. I traced my hand down his abdomen until I got to a thick layer of blood.

I pulled back and stared at my hand, covered in someone else's blood.

"What is it?"

I frowned. "I don't want your men's blood on me." That at least was true.

The fires of possession bloomed in Jozef's eyes. He open a draw and pulled out a pack of baby wipes. Slowly and firmly he cleaned the blood from my hand.

"There happy now?" He asked. He slid his hands up between my thighs.

"No. I don't want anything from another man on me." I widened my eyes and pouted my lips slightly, "I'm yours, not their's." I stared at the blood stain on Jozef's chest.

He sighed angrily, but left me on the bed, "Don't move."

He slammed the door behind him.

Shortly after I heard the shower turn on.

I tried to count the seconds. At 927 something clattered to the floor. At 1 320 Jozef stumbled out.

He crashed onto the bed next to me.

"I can't believe this is finally happening." His eyes were half closed and his words were slurred.

He held my face gently and kissed me.

This time his lips moved sluggishly against mine until he, quite unceremoniously, fell asleep.

I pulled back and watched his face for a second. His breath was even.

I clambered over his body. The pain was still there... it must have been, but the adrenaline and fear pouring through my body drowned it out.   

Jozef said drugs and alcohol would affect werewolves more, but the effects would run their course faster. 

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