A Cold Shower

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Tim hadn't bothered to close the door when he left. It was cold in the car. I couldn't turn the car on or close the door so I sat and shivered. 

It was a long time before another car pulled up next to me. Jozef got out of the passenger side and approached my car. He yanked my door open. The handcuffs dug into the skin at my wrists. My body was pulled out of my chair. 

"What the hell, Jozef." 

Jozef fisted my hair and pulled me to my knees. "You sent him to tell Gabriel where we are didn't you? You know his death will be your fault? I've tried to be kind and reasonable, but you cross me at every turn! Did you think there was no limit to my patience?"  

"No, no. You're wrong. I just sent him away." 

"Sent him to fetch police then?" His hand came to grip my jaw. His fingers dug into the soft skin of my cheeks. 

"No! I swear. He's just a kid, Jozef. Let him leave. Let him live his life. Please! Please." I begged.

Jozef's grip didn't loosen. The sound of a car door opening echoed in the silence. 

"What will you give me if I let him live?" 

Every muscle in my body stiffened. His eyes gleamed in the darkness. 

"Come now, you can't think I'll just give you what you want." Jozef smirked.

"You said you would make me happy." I quavered.

Jozef laughed loudly, "What you want me to prove myself to you?" 

I jumped at the opportunity, "Yes. Prove you'll make me happy by letting him go."  

"Okay. You have to kiss me though." He leaned into me further, "On the lips." 

I figured he would do something like that. 


I nodded and leaned towards him. 

I kissed him enthusiastically. He growled deeply in his throat and grabbed my neck just below my head, He pulled me closer to him as he explored my mouth with his tongue, groaning as he did. 

My body hurt. The skin around my writs was split. The welts caused by the elastic band had calmed, but now I could see all the thin slits along my arm. There were far more that I thought.

Jozef's grip on my hair tightened. My back strained, Jozef was pulling me up by my head, but my cuffs were pulling me back down. He was way taller than I remembered. 

I grimaced at the pain. 

Jozef pulled away huffing softly. 

"Kiss me like that once everyday and I'll leave the boy be." 

I winced, but we both knew I was going to agree. 


"What's with the look on your face?" 

"You're tall. The cuffs are pulling." 

He chuckled and glanced down. 

"I forgot about that." He released my hair. He took a small key out of his back pocket and unlocked the cuffs, "Come on, Little mouse."

Jozef placed a hand on my lower back. He grinned as we walked. 

"So docile, Little mouse." 

I glared at him. 

"You said you would tell me when we got to the house." 

Jozef rolled his eyes.

"I will, but you need to shower first. You smell disgusting." 

"Who was it that dowsed me in gasoline?" 

"It was just a safety precaution." 

"That makes no sense. If anything gasoline is bad for my health." 

He sighed, "must you be so tiresome?" 

"Yes. You promised you would tell me everything when we got to the house. We're here and you aren't telling me." 

He was never going to tell me. 

"I said when we were safe at the house. Right now you are still in danger." His eyes flashed.

I was never in danger. Gabriel wouldn't hurt me. As much as I was suspicious of him and I wanted to know what was happening, I trusted him. He wouldn't hurt me. If only because it would ruin his chances with Chloe. My mood dropped. She broke up with him. He hadn't told me that. He just said that they broke up. Was I really sad that my sister's boyfriend didn't break up with her. Now wasn't the time. 

"Oh really? What danger am I in right now." 

"Artemis you are making it very difficult not to hurt you right now."  He squeezed the bridge of his nose. 

I was making this difficult? He fucking kidnapped both me and my sister. He made a fucking cult. He was manipulating the whole fucking world. 

"Sorry, I forgot. Everything has to go the way you want Mr. Cult-Leader." 

Jozef stopped walking. It took him a second to have me on my knees, my hands behind my back. 

"Asta fetch me the hosepipe. She wants to know as soon as possible." 

Asta disappeared for a minute, but soon came back with a hosepipe uncoiling behind her.  

She hesitated before handing him the pipe. 

"We could have had a nice warm shower. We could have had some wine. Had a bubble bath." He pulled my head back by my hair. "Hold your breath if you want, but to be honest, I wouldn't mind seeing you coughing and spluttering at my feet."

He pressed the trigger on the nozzle. A harsh stream of water spouted onto my forehead. 

My eyes stung as the water flowed down my face. I held my breath. 

Jozef stepped back, but kept the spray directed at me. 

It was becoming hard to hold my breath, but I was not going to give him the satisfaction. I glared up at him. 

"It's not too late. We can still go have a relaxing bath." He released the trigger and raised an eyebrow at me. 

"No, no. This is great." I smiled sweetly. 

Jozef's eye twitched as he nodded. 

He held the pipe out in Asta's direction, "You do it. This is boring."

Asta rushed forward. Jozef threw the pipe at her. He stormed towards the house. 

Without turning to look at either of us he yelled, "She's not allowed into the house until I say. Make sure she's clean and don't leave her side." 


Okay, so I'm going to start skipping chunks of time. I know the last few chapters have seemed a bit unnecessary, but I pinkey swear they were important. 

Also I know my updating isn't consistent, but this time it wasn't entirely my fault. My friend from overseas came to visit for a week.

Next chapter is probably going to be from Gabriel's perspective. I wanna tell you guys all the secrets. 

Also I will say, I've done so much research on sprinkler systems, guys. Super frustrating because literally every detail about the kidnapping has been overly expanded to make sure it would work, but coz she's fucking blind folded I can't even brag about the details. 

Anyway, I'll update soon. 

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