Study day

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The next day Gabriel came over again, but it was different from the day before.

His face was blank, but whenever I was around him I felt as though I was deep under the ocean. Everything sounded far away and my head pulsed with pressure.

Since today was Monday and everyone was too busy to drive me back to uni. Understandably no one wanted me behind the wheel after crashing mine and Gabriel's car, at least not while I was having problems with my head.

I was receiving links to online versions of the lectures.

Sitting in my bed I was aslo attending a Physiology lecture. I liked Physiology.

"Changes in the membrane potential are caused by 3 things. Depolarisation, repolarisation and hyperpolarisation-"

"That's bad for your back."

My glance switched back and forth between my lecture and Gabe. My spine immediately tried to straighten.

"Yeah, I know." My gaze went back to my laptop.

As much as I was trying to focus on my prattling professor Gabriel's silence seemed to oppress all other sound.

"Now let's talk about the histology of nerve tissue."

"You would be able to work more efficiently at the table downstairs."

"Yes, but I would miss things when I moved. I'll move after this lecture." I spoke quickly.

I turned back to my screen.

"The myelin sheath has many functions for example, it protects each axon from damage. It insulates each Fibre from electricity."

"You really shouldn't sit like that for prolonged periods."

"Gabe! I appreciate the concern, but I can't focus with you interrupting every five seconds."

"If you just move now I'll stop interrupting."

I glared hard at him. Then with a huff I unplugged my laptop.

"Fine, but you have to bring my stuff downstairs. That includes my charging cable!" I shoved past him making my way to the table downstairs.

I stomped downstairs Gabe's smug little laugh inciting harder stomping on my part.

I plonked myself down at the table next to Chloe.

"Why so sour?" Chloe asked looking up from the papers she was marking.

"Nothing. This lecturer is boring that's all"

"Could you wear earphones? Sorry I'm just trying to focus."

"Yes of course," I stood up with my laptop. My earphones were nowhere in sight.

I started rummaging around in miscellaneous draws.

"Artemis! Just mute it while you are looking for earphones!"

"Okay, sorry I thought I could fine some quickly." I frantically tried to mute my laptop as quickly as possible.

I put my laptop down on the table and jogged around the house desperately searching for earphones.

My lecture was going on without me. It would have been fine if fucking Gabe just left me be.

I ran up the stairs and turned to my part of the room.

Gabe was leaning over my bed to unplug my laptop charger from the outlet between my bed and the wall. His face was pressed deeply into my pillow. And he wasn't moving.

Mother fucker. This bitch just wanted upstairs to be empty so he could nap. Absolutely not.

I stomped over and shoved his shoulder hard.

Gabe looked up at me panic in his eyes.

"You know you can just nap. You don't have to trick me out of my bed." I chuckled.

"What? No, I was just getting your charger." His protest didn't shake my certainty one iota.

"Oh sure. That's believable. You were lying with your face in my pillow breathing deeply." The stress in his eyes stopped my laugh, "don't worry. It's not bad. You are allowed to sleep."

I turned my back to him while I searched my cupboard.


"Why would they be in my sock drawer do you think?"

"Maybe you were cold and wanted to stop listening to music?" His tone was calmer now.

I smiled. As much as he annoyed me it was shockingly disconcerting to see that fear on his face.

"So have you figured out how to get my charger out or do you need help?" I put my hand out for the charger.

He laughed and handed me the unplugged charger.

"You still have to bring all my books downstairs though."

He jokingly rolled his eyes as he gathered up the books.

We walked downstairs together. He spread my books out for me and went to sit at the other side of the table.

"Dude no. Just go nap. I promise it's okay. You can use the spare bed if you want."

"Why?" Chloe asked.

"Your boy fell asleep getting my charger. He must be exhausted." I said before he could deny anything.

"That checks out. We didn't exactly spend last night sleeping did we baby?" Chloe leaned over her papers towards Gabe.

"Umm." He cleared his throat awkwardly, "mhmm"

He leaned in and gave her a quick kiss.

I quickly plugged my earphones in and tried to focus.

It wasn't much use. I could hardly hear anything outside of the roaring in my ears. It was silly, but my chest felt heavy and my throat felt thick.

Someone touched my shoulder, "Artemis?" Gabe's voice cut through the roaring.

"Sorry, Gabriel. I really need to focus."


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