Listen to The Goddess

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After the shower. Asta was called back in to pour more more buckets of the strange smelling water on me. 

I tired to speak to Asta when we were in the room, but conversation fizzled under Jozef's watchful gaze. 

After that Jozef walked behind me as Asta lead me to the parking lot. 

"What is in that water?" 

"I promise I'll explain everything once we are safe." He smiled gently. 

More cars of people had arrived. 

We were all covered with more gasoline.

"Surely this is dangerous?" 

"A little, but don't worry we'll all be fine. We're being careful." 

"Yeah, but the gas? Isn't it bad to breath it?" 

"You might get a head ache, a little danger is worth it." He gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, "Now you won't be driving with me for the next stint so I'll have to restrict your hands, but I'll leave the blindfold off." 

Jozef herded me into a different car and handcuffed my hand to the car door. 

"Keep in mind. I'm the one with the keys so don't bother Doug." 

I glanced at, Doug. He looked nervous, but determined. 

"Why am I not driving with you?" 

"While I love that you want to drive with me, I can't stand it when you smell like that. I wouldn't want to hurt you." 

"Then why did you have to cover me in gasoline?"

"Little mouse, we need to get going. It'll probably be better if you just sleep until you get to the house." 

Jozef closed the door. Doug pulled out at the same time. In the review mirror I saw them dumping the excess gasoline in over each empty parking bay. 

I don't get the point of it. 

We drove in silence for a while, well, we didn't speak. The open windows provided plenty of sound for the trip. 

I caught Doug sneaking glances at me. 

"You know I'm not a Goddess right?" 

Doug jumped when I spoke.

"You haven't recalled your past life yet. Don't worry. We're doing everything we can to activate those memories." He blushed and smiled at me. 

"Jozef is lying to you."

Doug frowned, "The Alpha said you would say that." 

"Oh my God. He's making you call him Alpha? That's embarrassing for him." 

"Do not slander him. I understand you don't understand yet, but I won't stand for your derision. He knows things." Doug's voice was darker than I thought it could ever be.

"Is he blackmailing you?" I tentatively questioned. 

"No. He is a God. He would never stoop so low." 

"I see. Kidnapping isn't that low huh?" 

"You will come to understand. You need to be together. Your union will save the world from the moon Goddess' wrath." 

That marked the end of my conversations with Doug. 

Begrudgingly I did what Jozef had suggested I squished myself up awkwardly cuddling the door.

Sleep eventually came. 

We drove for a long time. We met up with other people on the way I got a new driver. His name was Tim. 

I didn't try to speak to him. Talking to Doug had depressed me and I assumed no one with shakable faith would be sent to drive with me. 

Tim was irritating. He jumped every time I moved. He obsessively asked what I wanted. Air conditioning? Seat warmer? A pillow? 

Actually that one had been nice. My arms were hugging the pillow. They had been numb for a while now but there was nothing I could do to fix that.

After what felt like driving in circles for hours, we parked in front of a large house. It was in the middle of a large lawn. 

"We'll be waiting for the Alpha here." Time smiled at me.

"Fine." I stared out the window. There were no trees near the property. I mean there were trees but none in the giant green desert. I hated lawns. 

Tim watched me. He looked like he was going to explode. He kept shifting nervously and opening then closing his mouth. 

"What?" I sighed. 

Tim's eyes lit up, "What is it like being a Goddess?"

"I'm not a Goddess, Tim." 

Tim gasped.

"What is that blasphemy?" I asked, not very interested. 

"You said my name." I looked at him again. He was young. 

"How old are you, Tim?" 

"I'm 16, Luna." He bowed his head to me.

My chest hurt again, Jozef was starting young. 

"You should listen to what your Goddess tells you? Isn't that right?" 

Tim looked wary, "You can't tell me to let you go, drive you away or contact anyone you've met in your current life." 

"Of course not, Tim. You need to leave. Don't come back. I can read your destiny. It is not with this group. In fact your being here will doom this groups endeavors." I tried to make my voice as authoritative as possible. 

He looked like he was going to cry. 

"But you don't have your memories." 

"I don't, but I know this. It's probably my innate Godly power manifesting." 

"I'll make us fail?" 

"Yes if you stay we will fail, but don't worry. You can help us. You need to leave. You need to live your life as you. You will know what to do. You will be successful. You will indirectly create a situation that allows the groups goals to come to fruition. Trust me, Tim. Trust me. You must never contact anyone from this group ever again." I warmed my voice.

Time cried. 

I hardened my heart. This was for the best. 

"Now, Tim. Walk away. You have to. It's what is best for everyone."

Tim nodded frantically. He left running tears still streaming down his face. 

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