Lost and Loney

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"Garroth if you hand me the wrong tool one more fucking time" You said standing on a ladder.

"It's all the same wrench, just different sizes?!" He pointed right back. Kim chuckled as she handed you the right one. Finally you were able to fix the heating, at least what was left of it. To say the lodge was a complete mess is an understatement. The place was covered in dust and cobwebs, the floor boarding was falling apart.

"I really wish Lucinda brought her cleaning potions" Kim signed, looking around the place. Agreeing, the 3 of you head to the main lobby area. You fell behind Kim and Garroth looking around nostalgically. The last time you and your family visited the place was almost decades ago.

4 year old you tried to hide your giggles as you sat underneath the table. Small footsteps came near accompanied by slightly bigger ones. Without warning you leaped from your hiding spot towards the unsuspecting pair.

"Wahhh Melissa it's a monster!" Cried a tiny Aaron. Melissa jumped back, as you hurled yourself into her arms. Loudly giggling you then jumped on Aaron, knocking you both on the ground. Melissa took this as a sign to dogpile on the both of them.

All three of you loudly laughed as everything faded to mere memory.

It was safe to say that their trips to the lodge were one of few happy moments the Lycans spent as a family. Letting the blond and brunette know you'd catch up with them later, you decided you'd poke around the place a little more. Once you were alone you felt more at ease. Chuckling, you thought back to Kim's horror movie set comment.

You lightly ran your fingers on the wall as you walked. Suddenly stopping cold in the middle of the walkway. Gritting your teeth, a familiar scent washed over you. It was pretty stale but one you've never been able to forget.

You could hardly mutter the name of the boy that once broke your heart.

Hearing Aaron calling you from a distance snapped you out of the trance.

Crap! I still don't know this place that well, which leads towards the stairs? I still can't believe our parents didn't tell us about the full state of this place! No wonder they wanted me to come along so badly. Just because I studied architecture, doesn't mean I can figure out all the problems with this place, man.

Using your nose and ears you were able to track Aaron down. Calling back to him you asked for your brother to wait a minute so you wouldn't get lost again. Along the way taking notes of where the floors seemed weaker, what paint color would make the walkways pop more, things to improve. Even though your parents still frustrated you at times, you really did have a passion for what you did. The designing and fixing up places.

"Man we really shouldn't wonder since we don't have any phone signal, plus this place is huge" You noted. Aaron chuckled knowing that you would tend to wander off regardless of the situation.

"Pfft still can't believe that Garroth almost blew up the boiler" You giggled covering your mouth with your hand. Aaron snorted remembering the whole ordeal.

Garroth sneezed in the other room. Maybe it was from your gossip or the fact he was covered in dark dust. From almost blowing up the place earlier.

"You guys, we're about to start cooking dinner!" Lucinda shouted. Noticing the outline of a hard stone in his jacket pocket you were about to ask about it. But he already turned around. Smirking a childish idea arose in your head.

"Hey Aaron, race you down! First one there wins" You said, pushing past him.

"No fair you got a head start!" He laughed, intent on beating you down there. But once you got to the middle of the staircase Lucinda urgently gested for you both to be silent. Concerned instantly, both of you creeped down to where the rest were hiding. Before you even got the chance to ask what was wrong the doors busted open.

It was safe to say your soul had elevated from your body.

At least four grown ass wolfs had come into the lodge. They immediately started sniffing around the area, with paws clicking loudly each time they took a step. It was one of the most eerily sounds you would come to know paired with silence.

Aaron, Lucinda, Kim, and Garroth pressingly whispered to each other. Trying to figure out what the hell to do in a situation like this. Out nowhere the wolves all gathered around the luggage still laying around. Not just luggage your luggage. One of the wolves grabbed your backpack. Then another one started clawing at it. Until a young woman walked in.

You tightly gripped at your arms and held your breath as her dark eyes met yours. Dark green eyes looked at you with such recognition. She looked at no one else, just you.

As fast as she came, she was already leaving. But without making the tiniest hand gesture to you, as if she wanted you to follow. The whole thing unnerved you. The ordeal was only a few minutes long at most but it felt like hours in that little corner.

The collective sigh from everyone was almost enough to make you laugh from how in sync it was.

"Wait a minute they took my goddamn bag!"

That summer sun hits different, hope you enjoy chapter 2 ☀️💥☀️💥☀️

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That summer sun hits different, hope you enjoy chapter 2 ☀️💥☀️💥☀️

𝔖𝔞𝔫𝔤𝔯𝔦𝔞 [Yandere! Ein x Reader] #2Where stories live. Discover now