six. tell me everything

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Today, I am tired of Aria. Like always.

I'm sitting at my desk, trying to get a paper done while she's mindlessly humming a tune to some irritating song. I cough, loudly, and she looks up at me as if I'm the one bothering her.

It takes everything within me to calmly ask, "can you please stop making so much noise? I'm trying to concentrate."

She smiles villainously, and responds, "no thanks, but thanks for asking!"

And then she keeps on humming.

I make a fist and end up holding on to the paper in my hands so tightly that I end up crumbling it all. My five minutes of hard work are destroyed like that, and I decide to throw the crushed paper at Aria's head.

She looks up, again, and  at the paper on her side.

She laughs, asking, "really? Are we in elementary school?"

I roll my eyes and tell her, "stop making noise!"

"Fine! Whatever the princess wants."

And she finally stops.

We're left in the awkward silence, and I realize that Aria's humming had actually helped. Now, I'm looking at my brand new sheet of paper with a blank mind and stare. I hold onto my blue mechanical pencil with a tight grip, and I barely summon enough energy to be able to write my name.

Except, my name doesn't even look right. It's been written messily, or, maybe too neatly. I'm not even sure anymore.

With the long silence, I'm now obsessing over the most random details because I'm not obsessing over how annoying Aria is. I look at her again, and she's sitting silently.

Her long dark brown hair is hanging down, covering most of her face like a curtain covering a window, as she's looking down at her phone.

That's all she does nowadays.

Her set of victims haven't made their appearances in a long time, and she's been more closed off than usual. Now that I think about it, I didn't have to do much to get her to stop humming. She's normally stubborn and refuses to give in.

I know this because I've lived with her for about two months now. Plus, she usually always makes a point to tell me that she will never do anything I say because she does what she wants whenever she wants to.

That was her response when I told her that she needed to clean her room because it was bothering me at least.

She's been off. Not just today. But for about a week or two now. I don't think it's my business to make a comment about it. At least not now.

I'll try to monitor if she keeps acting like this or not.

Not that it's any of my business.

My thoughts, once again, have gone from being related to schoolwork to tracing back to Aria. Even though I don't like her, I find her quite interesting.

She's the kind of person that I've never met before and I never expected to meet. She's full of surprises, with her beautiful appearances and chaotic words. I never know what she'll do next. Which is very annoying.

I'm used to being successful in figuring people out. I take notice of the smallest details in their actions and words. I use my mind to try to paint a clear picture of every person I meet, but I haven't been able to do that with Aria yet.

I can't figure her out.

It could be because I don't know some basic information about her. The painting in my mind so far is a deep red with disorganized black lines everywhere. Except, there's more to her than these main qualities that she displays the most.

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