three. truly genius

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Over the course of the next few days, I'm trying to stay on top of my work and not get too stressed out. That's almost impossible, but at least I'm trying.

Aria, on the other hand, doesn't do any of her work. She's careless, and I question why she even came to college in the first place if she wasn't going to try.

Some days, I notice that she's less annoying than others. She'll remain silent or won't say much. She never makes fun of me for anything, and I don't know what to make of those days. It's like she becomes this sad and tired version of herself, but I don't know if I'm overreacting.

I think that everyone has off days.

Today, I'm walking to my dorm room. I don't know what version of Aria I'll find today. The day has been annoying, with rain catching me and nearly drowning me before I was able to find some shelter in the morning. That had made me late to my class, and I had missed out on part of the lecture. Now, I feel like I've fallen behind.

Still, I try to keep my head held up high as I rush to the building where my room is located at, out of fear that the rain may make another visit. I'm about to open the door for myself, when someone shoves past me to open the door up. I'm about to yell at them, but I realize that they're opening up the door for me, and worst of all, it's Cole.

He's much taller than me, and I have to look up to meet his soulless blue eyes. He has a peculiar smile on his face as he asks me if I'm free tonight.

His face is that of a basic white guy, with a straight nose and thin lips. He runs his fingers through his stupid looking light brown curls, and then shoves his hands into his pockets.

I walk inside the building, then I choose to answer. I tell him that I have a lot of work to catch up on. I'm not exactly enthusiastic to do some work, but I'd rather lie about it. Truly, anything is better than spending time with this brainless guy.

He makes his signature face of disappointment, and tells me that he hasn't spent time with me in forever.

It's better that way.

"I've been adjusting to college, sorry," is all I say.

"It's been two months since we got here, you're done. Just listen to me, and everything will be fine," he tells me.

I hate him for saying that. He always says that as a way to persuade me to do whatever he wants and says. I start to question if he even understands what no means and what rejection is.

Everyone finds him to be charming, and before, I even thought that he was a decent person. That was until I started dating him and he played these meaningless tricks on me. Sterotypical plans for getting me closer to him and under his control. It works, or well, that's what he thinks.

I prefer to just pretend like his plans are working rather than just causing more drama. It's easier this way. People like him will never understand anyway. Whatever they do, they never truly pay the price. He will always go on, living like some kind of heroic prince and the world just believes that's true.

Recently, I've stopped trying as much. I've distanced myself a lot more from him ever since college started, but I know that I can't avoid him forever.

All I can say is, "I'm busy."

He's visibly annoyed, and tugs uncomfortably at the bottom of his grey t-shirt to keep himself busy. He follows me throughout the hallways, even when I tell him not to. All I can hear are his words going through my brain and the loud sounds of his black shoes slamming against the ground. The corridors feel smaller today, and people around me look at me strangely as if I'm going to explode. Which, I do feel that way. I force my mind to look in at the small detailing of the ceilings and the posters hanging on the walls.

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