Jealous Thorin

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There you were yet again, laughing at his jokes, walking with him, him touching and smiling at you. Thorin couldn't understand what you were doing with Kili all the time. Both of you claimed you were just friends, but the way you two acted anyone would think you were in a relationship. Thorin loved his nephew like his own son, but at the moment he just wanted to hit him.

"Thorin, just go over to her and tell her your true feelings." Dwalin said.

"What and get rejected, look at the way she is with Kili. It's obvious that they both love each other."

Dwalin laughs.

"What are you laughing at, this is not a funny situation."

"From where I'm standing it is." Dwalin chuckles.

"May I ask why that is?"

"You really are blind Thorin. Have you not seen the way y/n looks at you? Her eyes follow you wherever you go, she blushes when you are sitting close to her. She is not in love with Kili, she's in love with you."

"But the way she acts with him."

"They really are just friends, she is just too shy to admit that she wants to be with you. Now stop being jealous and go over there and tell her how you feel."

Thorin thanks Dwalin for helping him see sense. He goes over to you and Kili, he coughs to get your attention.

"Y/n, may I speak to you for a minute. Alone."


Thorin walks off, you get up and follow him down to the lake.

"Is everything ok Thorin?"

"Yeah everything is fine, I just need to ask you something."

He turns round so that he is facing you.

"Is there anything going on between you and Kili?"

"What? No there isn't. Kili is just a good friend."

"That's good, because I was scared there was."

"Why were you scared?" You ask him.

"I have had feelings for you ever since you joined the company. Seeing you with Kili I thought you two loved each other."

"No, it's noy him I love, it's you."

Thorin picks you up and kisses you.

"I'm so glad you said that, it's been killing me thinking I could never have you."

"Well you have got me forever and always. I love you."

"I love you too y/n."

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