Kili winning your affection

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Imagine for Aliasauthor. Hope you like it

"What's wrong little brother?" Fili asked.

"Nothing." Kili snapped back.

"Oh come on Kili, tell me I can see something is wrong with you."

"I said it's nothing."

Kili walks away not wanting to tell Fili what was wrong with him. The truth was Kili had been trying to win your heart for the past year but he was yet to succeed, everything he tried to win your affection you seemed to brush it off and carry on with whatever it was you were doing. Kili had offered you flowers, jewels, clothes, anything he could think of but nothing worked with you. He was about to give up when an idea came to his head. He quickly ran to the library where he knew he would find you, as you spent most of your time there. Once he reached the library he found you straight away.


"Hi Kili."

"Are you up to much?"

"No, not really."

"Well do you fancy having a walk around the grounds? Just you and I."

You looked up at him, this is what you had wanted all along, just to spend time with Kili. Not his gifts even though they were a lovely thought Kili was all you wanted and all you needed.

"Yes that would be lovely."

You both left the castle, enjoying your time together. You could tell Kili was nervous even though he tried his hardest not to show it, he just wasn't being his cheeky self but you still loved it. The day went by pretty quickly and before you knew it the sun was setting and you and Kili were heading back to the castle.

"I've had a nice time." Kili says.

"Me too." You smile at him.

Kili takes your hand and looks you in the eyes.

"I get it now." He whispers.

"What's that."

"Why you never accepted any of my gifts. You just wanted me to be myself, so you see the real me."

"I know the real you Kili, I just wanted you to see that I didn't need your gifts to win my heart. You won my heart a long time ago just by being you but you were never yourself around me. I didn't accept your gifts because that just isn't you. You being reckless, cheeky loving and even stupid is who you are, who I love.

"You love me y/n?"

"Yes Kili I love you."

He breaks into a wide grin, before you knew what was happening he picked you up by the waist, spinning you around and then kissing you.

"I love you too y/n."

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