Bonus Chapter

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(Warning: Grammatical errors)

People have been asking what is the reason for Jungkook to brake up with Taehyung? Well, let's get this straight.

The reason why he broke up with Taehyung because.....

He can't accept himself anymore. He is exhausted of hiding his relationship with Taehyung but at the same time, he's disheartened to let the world know that he's gay. He couldn't comprehend if he comes out as gay. He's scared people will bash him, call him names and repudiate him.

He had no one to support him except Yoongi and Taehyung. The only two people that he loves so much but it wasn't enough for him. He needs more people to show their support towards him. But who? No one.

He wanted to have a normal life, by doing this he needs to be normal. That was Jungkook believed. He's jealous of everyone who is able to love someone openly. And show the world that they are in love.

It makes him nauseous, every night he wishes that the world will finally accept him as he will be optimistic. Well, the wish isn't going to come true at all. He finally gives up and shut his feelings for Taehyung permanently.  Damn, he is a foolish person.

(TW//: Mention about suicide, abusing, self-harming and blood)

Yoongi told him every day that he is making a huge mistake but he didn't care. He's fatigued. Sometimes he wants to kill himself because of the pressure it's just too much. Before having a relationship with Taehyung, he once told his parents that he's gay but it didn't end well.

They disowned him, they hit him till he bleeds and bruised as he saw the beautiful, reddish, thick blood running through his forehead. It was lovely, he thought. The burden was too heavy to carry. He is stressed with everything and begin to develop depression.

That is when the self-harming begin, he couldn't stop cutting, but one time he cut his skin too deep till he passed out and woke up in the hospital with crying Yoongi besides him. He apologised to Yoongi for making him worried, as Yoongi suggested him to live with him, away from his parents. Since he knew -
how dreadful his parents are.

Jungkook agreed, Yoongi kept all the sharp object away from Jungkook, therefore, he couldn't self-harming himself again. The doctor mentioned that Jungkook developed a dysthymic disorder.

Dysthymic disorder is a continuous long-term (chronic) form of depression. As they may lose interest in normal daily activities, feel hopeless, lack productivity, and have low self-esteem and an overall feeling of inadequacy. These feelings last for years and may significantly interfere with your relationships, school, work and daily activities.

The causes such as chronic stress or medical illness, social isolation, and thoughts and perceptions about the world, can all influence the development of the persistent depressive disorder.

This is why Jungkook's acting like that, his attitude or mood could turn off sometimes or could be anytime. Yoongi pleaded Jungkook to get treatment but he refused, he shuts Yoongi out. Yoongi worried about Jungkook a lot, he is terrified till he couldn't sleep at night afraid Jungkook might do something dangerous.

When he's in relationship with Taehyung (without telling Yoongi), he didn't tell him about his disorder, even to his parents. The sh*tty parents of his didn't care about Jungkook, until Jungkook introduce them to his girlfriend (Taehee), both of them were surprised and accept him as his son again.

Jungkook keeps a secret about his disorders and he didn't even realise that his actions affect Taehyung badly.

(A/N: I'm sorry 💔  and by the way, I will update when I have free times)

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