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Say hello to oikawa's pov uwu


I opened my eyes and squinted as a streak of sunshine peaked through my room's curtains. I stood up, rubbing my temples. It had been a while since I slept late, I'm not used to it anymore. Usually, Iwa-chan would nag me to sleep early. 

Oh, Iwa-chan. 

I sighed as I remembered the last time we talked. Wait, can I even call it a 'talk'? More like a fight. I was so angry and so hurt, imagine seeing your boyfriend kiss someone else? So fucked up.

Once upon a time, I wondered what falling in love and getting hurt by someone you love felt like. I'd read piles of novels, all expressing one thing-- love. I once wondered how'd it felt when your heart would be shattered into pieces, or if was there ever such a thing. I was once clueless and I wished I was still one. Because the moment he walked into my life, I knew, I just knew I'd be going through a change. I didn't know a single person could make me feel loved, found, and hurt at the same time. Was this the love I dreamed? 

My thoughts were snapped by a single a knock. I quickly wiped the tears that formed in my eyes.

"Tooru, are you up already?"

It's mom. 

A glint of guilt rippled inside me. Here I am who just got into a fight with my boyfriend whom I dated in secret because my parents were homophobic. What a life.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a bit," I answered, my voice hoarse due to lack of sleep.

"Are you fine? You sound sick," she asked in a tone that sounded trouble.

"Yes, you can.. go ahead."

"Okay, dear."

The sound of footsteps muffled, as it got farther away.

I headed towards the bathroom. I splashed my face with cold water, trying to get rid of my puffy eyes. I'm still not okay, my head hurt along with my chest. I hope this day isn't as fucked up as yesterday.


"So dear, have you decided yet?"

I stopped chewing my food but I still kept silent.

Mom sighed. "Tooru, there's not much time. Pick a university in Tokyo or I'll have no choice but to enroll you to the one I picked."

I swallowed and looked at her with eyes pleading. "Mom..."

"Alright, I'll wait for your answer till next week. Better pick a good one."

We'll be moving to Tokyo in two weeks and I hadn't picked a university. I'm still confused as to what course I should even choose. My life had been rotating within volleyball, I hadn't given much thought to what comes after. Deep inside, I wanted to ask for Iwa-chan's opinion but I knew couldn't. 

I hastily stood up as I picked up my plate, heading to the sink. "I'm full. I'll just go to my room and prepare for school, Mom."

She nodded. "By the way, don't forget to pick up Etsuko later. We'll visit our churchmates," she reminded.

What the hell. Mom's so insensitive.

"Mom... we broke up, remember? That would be awkward," I said, trying to sound convincing so that she'd stop with her delusions that I'm straight as fuck.

"Try to get back with her, sweetie. She's a nice girl, I don't get why you have to break up with her," she remarked and arched her brow. "She's way better than some random guy out there."

"Don't," I snapped. "Don't go there."

I walked away as fast as I could, entering the only place I feel safe in this house-- my room. My knees weakened and I stumbled on the floor. 

Why does she have to blame Iwa-chan for all of this? Can't she just accept that I'm not the way she wanted me to be? Why does gender matter anyway? I'm still me and I'm never leaving this for some fucking rules.

My phone beeped and a message popped up on screen.

Iwa-chan: I'm sorry. I'll explain what really happened, just pls give me a chance. Meet me at the school's rooftop. Matsun said we don't need to stay in our classroom, we just need to confirm our attendance.

I'm never leaving this but I guess I should reconsider. 

Iwa-chan, I love you but you hurt me and I hurt you.


I'm sorry this is too short. I'm losing inspiration, sorryyyy. I don't wanna half-ass this.

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