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"Go Oikawa-san!"

Etsuko's loud cheer covered the area. From time to time, Oikawa would wave at her and sometimes with a wink or a flying kiss. Iwaizumi couldn't stop himself from rolling his eyes. There were also bunch of girls at the opposite side of the audience seat, obviously cheering for their one and only "handsome" setter. Their attention was only for the brunette boy who was busy showing off. Clearly, their minds weren't in the match. 

This is ridiculous.


As soon as Iwaizumi heard his setter's call, he swung his arms and jumped, striking the ball to the floor. The opponent's receivers obviously missed that. It was a perfect kill! Oikawa's toss was always convenient for him to spike. Nothing could beat their chemistry in court. 

"You sure like showing off sometimes, Iwa-chan," the brunette teased, "Don't worry, I will give you some of my fangirls." He patted the dark-haired boy's head.

"Huh? I'm not a womanizer like you, Shitty-kawa," he replied. He waved his right hand as a sign of rejection. "I have my eyes set for only one person," he added. He headed to his next position as soon as he said that, afraid that Oikawa might notice his somewhat red face. Why did he even said that in the first place? Stupid Hajime.

"Iwa-chan, you're keeping secrets. So unfair!" 

"Oi, focus on the game and stop flirting you damn lovebirds," Mattsun yelled from the other side with a laughing Makki on his side.

"Damn you, Mattsun. I'm not flirting with this shit," Iwaizumi groaned. He tried to calm his inner self. He glanced at Oikawa and the oblivious boy was already in front of his girlfriend. 

"Oya? What's with this gloomy atmosphere here?" Mattsun teased, he was already beside Iwaizumi who wasn't having a good time. He just received a tsk from the ace. 

In a minute, the referee's whistle filled the court. The players were on their designated positions. Matsukawa whispering some things to an annoyed Iwaizumi who tried to keep his focus on the game.

It was Oikawa's turn to serve. Pressure intensifies on other side of the court, they knew just how powerful the upcoming serve would be. 

The setter hit the ball back and forth between his hand and the wooden floor. He's gone to complete serious mode. The audience was in awe, including Iwaizumi who stupidly stared at his friend even though he should be facing the opponents. He shook his head due to frustration and turned to face the opposite side.

Oikawa tossed the ball above several feet away from him and then he swung both of his arms, going on with a jump serve. With his full strength, he hit the ball.

The crowd created loud noises. It wasn't a cheer but a shock when they saw the setter on the floor in pain. He landed wrongly and hurt his knee. Iwaizumi immediately ran to him and asked if he was okay.

Okay, he was clearly not.

"Fucking call an ambulance!" he almost yelled. Mattsun was quick to dial on his phone.

The black haired guy carried the brunette to the nearest bench. 

"Calm down, Iwa-chan," the injured one chuckled and obviously in pain, "You are not my mom."

"Shut up, Shitty-kawa or I'll tear off your leg."

Just then, they heard the loud siren of the ambulance. At that moment, everyone knew that it was that serious and the team might be in danger. Could Seijoh do well without their captain and setter?

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