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Iwaizumi was walking home without Oikawa for about a week now. It was definitely weird without someone pestering him. Seems like the brunette had a big part of his daily life. He planned on visiting but Etsuko was always at Oikawa's house and he was somehow thankful for it. Even if there's a sting inside, he knew that's what his bestfriend needed.

"Yo." The owner of the voice patted his back, taking him by surprise. It was obviously dark and who would've thought that there's someone around except for him.

"The hell, Mattsun!" he glared at the taller boy, "What's your deal?"

The taller boy just laughed.

"What's YOUR deal? You're acting like someone who went through a heartbreak," he teased, "Or maybe you are."

"Apparently, I'm not." 

Iwaizumi rolled his eyes and continued walking, even more faster than before. He heard Mattsun's annoying laugh and footsteps catching up to him.

"Oi, I'm just kidding. Seriously, what's your problem bro? Worried about our team losing without Oikawa?"

"Well, maybe yes." 

It was half truth and half lie. The team wouldn't be the same without their efficient captain and setter. No one could handle Seijoh better than Oikawa. Behind the playful side was a rather serious and scary captain, it was a weird combination. Iwaizumi knew that and he surely didn't want handling the team full of dorks. But if the captain couldn't play, then he clearly had the responsibility shouldered. After all, he was the vice captain and the ace. Though it wasn't just about the upcoming tournament that made him worry. He knew that Oikawa was a competitive player and probably didn't like leaving the court. He easily gets discouraged and he would completely shut everyone if their team would lose or if he didn't play well on court.

"I know it's hard to manage without him," Mattsun sighed and continued, "But if his knee will hinder his play then we have no choice but to let him rest."

"Yeah, I think we should just let him rest."

"Anyway, we all know what the doctor said, a month or two of hiatus would help him come back." Mattsun tapped the other boy's shoulder. "I don't think that's your MAIN problem here," he added, pertaining to something.

Iwaizumi slightly blushed and looked away. Damn this guy.

"What... do you mean?"

"Oh come on! I'm not that dumb, you know," the other boy spatted, "You have feelings for him." Matsukawa raised his thick brows.

It wasn't a question. Matsukawa was so sure about that. He was an observant one and loved teasing the two. When he saw Iwaizumi's secret glances (well, not anymore) to Oikawa, he knew that the ace was enduring a lot of episodes of the setter's flirting with random girls. It even got worser when Etsuko came to the scene. He wanted to slap Iwaizumi for being so denial and slow but he knew it was probably difficult for the latter to come out. Gay relationships weren't that accepted in their place. And, Oikawa's family is Christian. That was the big problem.

"Idiot! You think I'm gay?!" the ace hissed.

"Oh why not? I will support you. Besides, you're fucking obvious dude." Matsukawa rolled his eyes as a way of saying 'Well duh'.

"It's that obvious...? No, wait I'm not gay!" the ace tried to convinced himself more than his friend.

Matsun mentally face palmed. The fuck is wrong with this guy?

"Well, your gay is showing." 

"What the- you think you're helpful?"

"Wow, now you admit it," he smirked.

"Matsukawa Issei..." Iwaizumi's voice hinted warning. "I'm not gay."

"No, you are," he laughed then continued, "But dude, you know about Oikawa's family, right?"

"Yeah, I can't possibly be lovey dovey with their only son because I will burn in hell," the ace mumbled, "Besides, he has a girlfriend."

"Yeah, the annoying one. A perfect pair."

Iwaizumi laughed but he would be lying if he said it was genuine. Fucking rules.

"Your situation is veeery complicated. But, I think it wouldn't hurt to at least talk with Oikawa about the matter."

"Yeah right. Not that I'm not hurting right now, dumbass."

"Well oops? Sorry?" Matsun giggled, "But you know you can call me anytime. I'll help you with your gay shits."

Iwaizumi smiled, now genuine. He was thankful he could open up another person and not just kept it to himself. 

"And Iwaizumi?"


"Fucking visit your baby."

Damn you, Mattsun!

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