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There are some few changes in this chapter. Sorry, I just realized it was supposed to be winter here so like, I wrote about a hot weather instead (dumbass ikr). But the changes doesn't affect the plot so let's chill. I'm still hooman.


"Are you not done yet?"

Oikawa's childish complaints rang inside the four-walled white room of Iwaizumi. Apparently, the setter was waiting for him to finish taking a bath. The obvious impatience of the brunette annoyed Iwaizumi. He couldn't even scrub his body properly.


"If you would just shut your mouth Shitty-kawa then maybe we already finished this damn review," he yelled, voice muffled inside the bathroom.

Final exam was really a pain in the ass. As much as Iwaizumi hated memorizing Math formulas and defining English words, he had no choice. Oikawa was being persistent, saying that they should go to an elite university where stronger volleyball teams belonged. He had a point but even Iwaizumi who loved volleyball since probably the day he was born, had considered focusing on his desired course. And yet, he didn't want the brunette to be left alone. Of course they were a pair. He couldn't imagine Oikawa setting to another ace, although he knew that was entirely possible.

"Iwa-chan, dead already?" the brunette called, snapping Iwaizumi's thoughts.

"Yeah yeah whatever," he lazily replied. "You're really acting like you own this room, dumbass. And great, I didn't bring my clothes."

Iwaizumi went out of his bathroom, half-naked and wet. Droplets of water were visible on his upper body which came from his dripping black hair. He was too lazy to dry them off and besides, Oikawa was already pestering him.

He eyed the brunette. "Hey, can you grab a hoodie? It's inside that drawer." He pointed at a bluish drawer, stickers pertaining that he loved volleyball covered some parts of it.

"I-Idiot, why don't you change your clothes inside?" Oikawa murmured as he went to get whatever t-shirt he could pick.

Iwaizumi arched his brow. "I forgot to bring my clothes. You kept on rushing me earlier, idiot." He went to another set of closet and rummaged through it. A pair of joggers caught his eye so he took it.

Oikawa handed him a black hoodie, looking at his bed as if he was really interested to it. A blush rose on his cheeks. "Hurry or we'll run out of time."

"Thanks," Iwaizumi grinned but soon faded as he saw the brunette's rosy cheeks. Realization hit him, he smirked. "Why aren't you looking at me? Are you perhaps afraid?"

"J-Just put your clothes on, Iwa-chan," Oikawa stuttered, his cheeks got redder.

"Why don't you help me dry my hair then?" The ace chuckled, ideas forming on his head.

"I will if you put your clothes on."

"I don't know how."

"What? You dumb?"

"If you'll dress me then I guess I'm dumb."

"Argh, just put them on already." Oikawa let out a childish groan.

Iwaizumi laughed and hurriedly put on his clothes. "All done, Bossy-kawa."

The brunette sighed in relief and grabbed the towel from the ace. He waved his hand at the bed. "Sit, I'll dry your hair for you."

Iwaizumi's grin widened.


"Pens down. Pass your paper to the front," the teacher announced.

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