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It's Monday. The streets were busy, filled with students and adults off to school and work. Iwaizumi sighed for the nth time this morning. Since the tournament, he couldn't get a hold of Oikawa. The brunette was probably ignoring him, he thought. Because, when he tried to visit during the weekends, his friend's mom would always decline. Saying they had a lot to do for their church. Of course, the difference in religion was creating a huge gap between them. And, he could not complain. He just wanted a glimpse of his friend in which he couldn't even do. 

He walked faster, expecting Oikawa to be early. He wanted to talk to him because he felt like they needed it. He felt the need to reconnect. He missed him, not quite sure if the other missed him too. His thoughts were snapped when a pair of hands covered his eyes. 

"Whoever the hell you are, let go," he said, with a tone that was in a hurry.

"Bad mood?"

"No. Go away, Kuroo," he sighed. "Wait, Kuroo?! Why are you here?"

"Just visiting."

"But it's Monday!"

"Who cares?"

Iwaizumi was stressed out with his friend. He couldn't believe that the guy ditched his class and came here and wasted time and money. He was about to scold him when he caught a pair of chocolate eyes. 

"Later, Kuroo." He immediately walked away to chase Oikawa. The brunette was walking faster than before, bumping unto students unintentionally.

"Shitty-kawa!!" he yelled, not minding the weird stares directed to him. He received no response or even a glance. In fact, the brunette's speed only increased. Iwaizumi had no choice but to run, praying to the gods that there was no teacher around. Fuck the rules. He also increased his speed. When he was close enough to the brunette, he grabbed the guy's uniform and dragged him to an empty locker room.

They were both out of breath. They looked dumb, sweating and panting early in the morning.

"I-Iwa-chan, we're going to be late. Let's go." Oikawa reached for the doorknob, attempting for an escape. But since it's Iwaizumi, he couldn't. Rather, the black haired guy pinned him to the door and locked it.

"Oh, you're not running away," he whispered into Oikawa's right ear. His warm breath sent shivers to Oikawa's spine. With intense gaze, he tightened his grip on the brunette's wrists.

"I-Iwa-chan..." he pleaded. He bit his plump lips nervously. Iwaizumi saw that and gulped. He shouldn't be distracted, he reminded himself.

"Tooru... I just want us to talk," he said, frustrated. "I- I missed you..." His grip softened.

The brunette's face flushed. He was wondering why his bestfriend turned this soft. And he called him his given name. He shook his head, erasing all his unnecessary thoughts.

"O-okay talk," Oikawa stuttered, forgetting how to talk.

"Are you mad at me?" Iwaizumi said, trying to catch Oikawa's gaze. But the brunette just looked down, unable to have eye contact. "Hey, look at me." He lifted Oikawa's chin.

"N-no." The brunette looked away.

"You're mad at me," Iwaizumi declared. He let go the brunette's wrist. "I'm here to apologize. I know, I was such a jerk. But, I didn't mean it. I swear! Can you forgive me, Tooru?"

The taller boy's lips pouted. "Y-you call me Tooru when you need something."

Iwaizumi was taken aback. He realized just now that he was calling Oikawa his given name. Now, it's his turn to blush. He thought it was weird and embarrassing.

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