Chapter 5

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Cassie's P.O.V

After that very long and awkward dinner, both me and Calum exchanged phone numbers. Now, a week later, we have been talking non-stop.


From: Cal

Hey, do you want to go out for breakfast this morning?

To: Cal

Sure, what time?

From: Cal

Is 10am good with you?

To: Cal

Yeah. Where are we going though?

From: Cal

The café around the corner, like always DUHH! I would think you would know this by now, we've only meet up there, like, 20 times this past week! ;)

To: Cal

Sorry :p!! I was just making sure!

From: Cal

Whatever, I'll see you soon, bye Cassieeee!!

To: Cal

Bye Cal!! :)

--End of messages--

_________At the cafe___________

"Cassie, over here!" Calum called me over to our usual booth. We always picked the one that's located in the far corner. We both liked it 'cause it was far away from the others, therefore, strangers couldn't listen in on our conversations.

"Hey!" I greeted a little over enthusiastically.

"I already ordered our food and drinks, they should be here soon." He informed me with a small smile as soon as I got myself situated in the seat in front of him.

"Okay, thanks." I smiled back warmly, "Hey, can I ask you a question?" I continued once I remembered what I thinking ever since I've been hanging out with Calum.

"Yeah, what's up?" He leaned forward, his weight settling on his elbows, observing me as I spoke.

"Why does everyone think your an ass? Cause I don't see that at all, I don't even think you could hurt a fly." I questioned, curiosity laced within my tone of voice.

"We'll..." Calum sighed, dragging out his response in apprehension before leaning back in his chair. "I knew this would come up eventually." He mumbled after a short pause between his words.

"What?" I raised an eyebrow at him. What was he hiding from me?

"It's a long story." He whispered, his eyes not even daring to look at mine. "Are you sure you want me to even start?" His voice only got softer as he kept talking, barely audible by the time he finished up his question.

Once he did end his question he looked me in the eyes again. The look in his eyes, though, told me he didn't want to talk about it. I'm very suspicious and curious now but I'll definitely understand if he needs some time to gain enough courage to tell me.

"We've got time Calum, just take it slow and if you don't want to even start about your past, don't. But if you do start, you can't stop and leave me hanging in confusion." I gave him his choices. Either tell me now, or later. No choice of leaving me an unknowing mess.

"Okay, I'll tell you, but it might take me some time and after I tell you this, you can't run away." He said as he scanned my face for approval.

"I won't run away Calum." I assured him, sending him a sweet smile and warm eyes to help ebb his obvious nerves.

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