Chapter 1

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Calum's P.O.V

"Calum?" A very drunk Luke called me over.

"Yeah?" I pulled my gaze away from my phone and to his glossy eyes.

"Are you ever going to get over Ashley?" He slurred, cocking his head to the side in drunken confusion.

"Don't bring her up Lucas." I growled, sending him a deathly glare.

"I'm sorry Cal," he whispered, his eyes turning watery, tears brimming his drooping eyelids. "But will you answer?"

Luke is a very sensitive drunk, if you say anything harsh or the slightest bit rude to him - or anyone at that matter - he will cry like a baby after it's pacifier has been taken away.

"No, I will not answer!" My tolerance for my intoxicated friend was slowly pealing away, making it really hard to control my unstable temper.

"O-okay C-Calum..." He stuttered out in a sniffle, a single tear falling down his pale cheek.

"Don't you dare start crying Luke." I sent him a stern look, I'm terrible with drunk people, especially emotional drunks like Luke. Michael even knows that too but, being the bitch his always is, he still left me here to deal with one.

"I-I can't help it!" He blubbered, and here comes the waterworks...

I've changed a lot over the past year. Now, instead of the Calum that used to be all cuddly and kind to others, I've turned into a complete ass.

Describing my past is easy, it was perfect. I had parents that loved me, a bunch of friends that cared for me. I even had an A average in all my classes throughout high school. And to top everything off, I had a girlfriend that was perfect for me.

Or I thought she was perfect for me. That thought quickly changed a couple days after our 5 month anniversary.

On the last day of our relationship, we was sitting around our house, alone, and I was taking care of her since she wasn't feeling as good.


"Cal, go to the store and get me some medicine for my head." Ashley demanded, her eyes not moving away from her phone as she spoke.

"Sure, I'll be back in a minute" I agreed, kissing the top of her head before walking out of her bedroom.

So, like I always did when Ashely told me to do something, I walked out of the house to go get what she needed, this it happened to be medicine.

All my friends and family have told me that she doesn't care about me, that she was only using me. But I wouldn't believe them.

I ignored all the comments and continued to do whatever she wanted when she wanted, no exceptions.

When I got to the store I quickly got what she needed and hurried back home. I didn't want her to wait if she was in pain. I hate seeing people in pain, especially the people that I care the most about.

I got home pretty fast. Well... as fast as you can when you live in New York.

I started up the stairs to mine and Ashley's shared room, we had bought a apartment together when we graduated from high school. I opened the door and was shocked, I didn't know what to feel, maybe anger, sadness, or disbelief...

Ashley was on OUR bed making out with my friend, no scratch that, ex-friend, Ashton Irwin.

"WHAT!" That's the only thing that my mind and mouth could both process at the same time.

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