Chapter 14

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Cassie's POV

I wasn't expecting anyone, that's why whenever I heard my mother's voice yell; "Honey, Calum and Luke are here to see you" in the middle of one of my many lazy Netflix marathons, I was extremely confused and anxious.

"Why are you both here again?" I asked my boyfriend and one of my best friends after I invited the two into my room and closed the door behind them. "Should I be worried about anything at the moment." I was joking around of course, about the worrying thing, but when I notice the looks coming from the boys standing before me, I figured this wasn't just some normal, friendly visit.

"Luke." Calum's voice was much deeper than usual, it was acutally quite intimidating.

Looking from Calum to Luke, I saw sweat dropets forming on my boyfriends hairline, most likely a nervous habit of his. "Luke, is everthing okay?" I was hesatant to ask, know that whatever was shaking him up wasn't going to turn out to be a good or simple thing.

"Everything is certaily not okay Cassie. Luke has something very important to tell you." Calum glared at Luke with his harsh brown eyes. His words making Luke visably more nervous and scared, which made me grow even more curious.

Neither of the boys was saying anything anymore, creating this awkward tension and silence to form in my small square bedroom. The quietness surrounding me, along with the boy that was notably angry and the boy who was notably freaking out, started to make me come up with all sorts of sinareos as to why Calum and Luke was both acting off.

Nothing was making since until one crazy thought popped up into my head, I didnt want to ask, it would be awful and probably break my heart if it was true, but I couldn't stop myself from bringing it up. "Did you cheat on me Luke?" The muffled and shaky words left my mouth so fast that I couldn't even tell if I had acutally said them or not, but by the looks I was getting from the boys, they had obviously heard.

"No!" Calum screamed, "Yes!" Luke coughed right after Calum's remark.

"Yes, Cassie, I did cheat on you and I'm so sorry. You probably don't want to be in a relationship with me anymore, do you?" Luke sighed, his question and confession making a lump form itself in my throat. Calum smacked Luke's arm, the hatred in his eyes was easily seen and it was shocking.

"He didn't only cheat on you Cassie! He-" His words were rushed and his eyes looked insanly wild.

I felt tears start to free fall out of nowhere at that moment. Calum was trying to cover up Luke's mistake with some kind of lie, but Luke told the truth and now Calum is upset with him for not going along with his plan. It's obvious, really.

"Stop covering for him Calum. He told the truth, that's the right thing to do." I snapped at him through my quiet sobs. "I think you both need to leave."

"Wait! What- Luke you have to fix this!" Calum began to panic, looking at Luke like he was getting ready to start crying at any second. "Please don't Luke." He whispered lowly, slowly following after his friend as he tried to make an escape.

Luke didn't say anything, he just sent me a apologetic smile before daring out of my room and down the hallway. Calum stopped at my door, watching as Luke left without a word.

"What was that about Calum?" I whimpered, my question snapping him out of his little trance. "Why would you want him to lie to me about something like that, something that serious?"

His mouth was wide open, looking to be in shock at my accusation. "I was trying to make him tell you the full story." He gulped, not daring to look me in the eyes.

"Why in the world would I want to know what all he did to cheat on me?" I screamed, my cheeks turning bright red as I thought about all those disgusting possibilities. "That would just hurt me more than I already am." My voice changing from loud and angry, to soft and fragile.

"Just leave Calum." I cringed as more and more images of Luke and another girl flashed through my mind. "Please just go before I start crying again."

He looked hesitant of leaving me at first, but as I sent him a harsh glare through glossy eyes, he walked away without a question, finally leaving me be so I could sob to myself.

Calum's POV

"Luke you better answer your phone right now!" I shouted into the speakers of my cell phone. "You're dead the next time I see you, I hope you know that." I threw my phone into the passenger seat as hard as I could, causing it to bounce and land on the floorboard, but I didn't care about that right now.

Luke always ruins everything for me. He took my girl, he broke her heart into pieces, then whenever I was ready to finally get what I have been waiting so patiently for, he swoops in and somehow makes me the bad guy of this situation.

Coming to a harsh stop in front of the bar that I know all so well, I screamed out in rage, punching and slapping the steering wheel with every ounce of strength I could.

"Calum?" A girls voice sounded from outside my car window. Turning to see who it was, I rolled down the tinted glass.

"Ashley, I'm not in the mood to talk about whatever you've got to say." I grunted, gripping the wheel in my tight  fists while laying my head back on the head rest. "I just want to be left alone for awhile."

"Get out of the car and come drink with me. You can rant off what's upsetting you." She opened the car door for me, reaching over my lap and unbuckling my seatbelt for me as well. "Come on Cal."

"No Ashley. I told you I want to be alone." I closed my eyes and sighed. "Plus this is probably just an excuse of yours so we can talk about what's bugging you."

"I'm just trying to be a nice friend Calum. We fixed things for the better, remember?" She frowned. "Come on, let me be a nice person to you for once."

Letting a small smile creep it's way onto my lips as I thought back onto the night that we officially made up, I peeled my eyes open and climbed out of my car. "Fine, but you're buying your own drinks tonight."

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