Chapter 17

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Cassie's POV

"So, you're telling me, that Calum has liked me, as more than just a friend, this entire time?" I whispered out in disbelief, looking up at Michael with wide and fragile eyes.

Sighing, Michael didn't say anything else, just motioning for Luke to come over as he sat down on the couch cushion beside me. "Luke also has something very important to tell you." He added, his voice lowering, and a apologetic look gleaming in his green orbs.

"Cassie." Luke gulped, never looking more nervous around me than he did right now. "I'm so sorry, but I'm just going to tell you this fast because I know it's not something you're going to want to here at the moment." He coughed, squeezing his eye lids closed as he prepared to tell me his bad news.

"I never loved you." His word sent a sharp pain down my spine and through my heart. "I only said it back to you thinking that it would aggravate Calum more. I never meant for my actions to hurt you."

Processing his words, all sorts off emotions started to rush through me. Tears began to pour down my cheeks in heartbreak, my fists clinched together in anger, and the heels of me feet was bouncing up and down as I grew sorrowful for Calum.

"Cassie, please say something." Luke mumbled, taking a single step towards me, stopping immediately after that one, not daring to walk another inch, as he saw me send him an evil glare.

Michael then choose to wrap his pale arms arm my shacking body, holding me closer to his chest once I buried my head into his neck, sobbing uncontrollably.

"I think you need to leave, Luke, you're presence is making this worse for her." Talking softly, Michael did what really needed to be done for me, Luke hesitating at his commands though. "Please Luke, I promise to make sure she's okay."

At his promise, Luke quickly scurried away. "Thank you." I whimpered into Mike's, now wet and makeup stained, Blink-182 tee shirt.

"No problem." He murmured into my ear, his hand rubbing up and down my back in a soothing motion. "Just focus on calming down right now." Nodding, I concentrated on my breathing and his heartbeat, finding myself slowly easing off into a comfortable sleep.


As I woke up, I looked around and realized that I was now back into my own apartment. Confusion filled me until I saw a note from Michael laying on the coffee table in front of me, saying;


Sorry to leave you alone at a time like this, but I needed to go home and check up on Luke. I programmed my number into your phone, it's under 'Michael C.'.If you need me, just call, I'll answer at any time.

P.S. If it's possible, at all, please try to contact Calum. He really doesn't need to be hanging around Ashley, and he won't listen to either me or Luke.

Xx - Michael'

Reading over the letter a second time, I sighed, thinking about if I really wanted to talk to Calum about what's going on. I now know that he has a thing for me, that he has for a while, but I have never even tried to think of him in that sort of way.

If I just went up to him and said 'Hey Cal, I know you like me, and I don't feel the same way, but you should totally leave Ashley 'cause, you know, she's no good for you.' Yeah, that would definitely convince him to stay away from her for sure!

Groaning out loud in annoyance, I picked up my phone and pulled up Michael's contact, pressing on the call button.

"Hey, you're awake." Michael sounded slightly more chirpy than he usually did. "Did you read my note?"

"Yes, Michael, I did read your note, and I'm sorry to tell you this, but I don't think I'm going to be able to get through to him either." I explained, pushing myself off the couch and towards the kitchen as I spoke.

"And why's that?" I couldn't see him at the moment, but I could definitely tell that he was furrowing his eyebrows and was pouting.

Yanking open the refrigerator door, I pulled out a beer and cracked it open before answering his question. "Because, I'm the one who kind of, in a weird way, broke his heart. He probably thinks I'm just going to hurt him again and won't let me back in to help."

"Yeah, you're probably right." He sighed on the other line. "But could you just please try, both me and Luke have tried and failed miserably, the least you could do right now is make an attempt."

I groaned at his pleading tone, gulping down multiple mouthfuls of the can of beer in my hand. "Fine." I huffed, rolling my eyes to myself. "But I'm gonna need a couple for of these babies in my system before I even try."

"You're drinking?" He sounded confused, making me laugh overly loudly. "Is this because of the Luke thing or the Calum thing, or maybe even both?"

"I don't know, just felt the need to forget some things and take the edge off tonight." I shrugged, quickly finishing off my first can, out of probably too many to count. "I'll talk to you later, when I decide to go over to his place. You might have to give me a ride." I chuckled before hanging up on him, not giving him the chance to deny.

As soon as I put my phone down somewhere, somewhere I probably wouldn't remember by the time the night is over, I grabbed another can out of the fridge and sprawled out on my love seat.

Drinking wasn't a normal thing for me, I rarely ever did unless I was extremely overwhelmed. And in times like this, when I find out that my ex never loved me to begin with, and when I break my friend's heart by not liking him back, I would most definitely want to down a few beers.

Wow... when have I become such a mess? When, and why, did I get myself involved with these boys? It wasn't a very bright idea, now that I look back on things. Who in their right mind would befriend there boyfriend's best friend, and expect nothing to come up that would create a little bit of friction between us all? That's right! I would... of course.

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