Chapter 10

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Luke's POV:

God I feel like such a girl - no offense people with female genitalia - but girls trying to pick out the 'perfect' outfit really didn't make much sense to me before today, but right now I think I fully understand. Plus I think I'm kind of second guessing my male genes 'cause I'm having on hell of a time trying to find a decent outfit for my date with Cassie tonight.

I have to pick out something casual, comfortable, and easy to maneuver around in because I'm taking Cassie up to The Enchanted Ridge.

The Enchanted Ridge is a mountain peak looking over the whole town. No one knows why it's called that, we've all just been told to call it that for many years. Most people think that long ago our ancestors created the name and some of the younger kids around town think that a prince and prince lived on that peak their whole lives and lived happily ever after together.

Me, I really don't care how it's name came around, all I really care about is that, that ridge has the best view of the small city settled below it, and it's the only place around that's actually a drama free zone - which is why I decided to take Cassie up there for our first date.

I've spent most of my week planning out every little detail of tonight's events.

First, I'm going to meet up with her at the café and grab a bite to eat. Then, we'll hope in my dad's best friends truck - which he very kindly let me borrow for the night. Just kidding, I was forced to give him $30 and a full tank of gas, so nice right? - But anyways, once we get up to the ridge, we'll lay out some blankets and pillows on the truck bed and watch the sun set over our little city.

Yes, my plans are quite cheesy and overused by many different people, but I really want to do something special; yet still causal, for mine and Cassie's date.

I'm not much into all the elaborate and expensive type of stuff, mostly because I know I'll mess something up eventually, and 'cause I don't really have that much money since I quit my job so I could fit in all of my band practice times.

It's just reaching 6:30pm right now, I've got 30 minutes to get everything packed into the truck and to get my ass over to the café on time.

Thankfully, after I scouted through my entire wardrobe, I finally put together my outfit. It consisted of my normal attire - seeing that's what made me the most comfortable and causal.

I was dresses in my black death traps - also know as skinny jeans -, one of my many red and black flannels that was almost buttoned up to the top, and some plan black flip flops. Comfy!

After I finished stuffing an abundance of fluffy blankets and pillows into the back seat of the truck, I walked around to the drivers side and drove the short distance from my apartment to the café, not sure if I'm one hundred percent ready for what all I've got in store for the night.


Cassie's POV:

If I had to describe my feelings in one word right now, the word would easily be nervous.

The whole previous week leading up to today's date has been nothing but mini freak outs about lots of little things concerning my plans for this awaited day.

I've been begging Luke to tell me where we are going so I could pick out a reasonable outfit but he refused to do so, he keeps telling me that it's a secret and I'll have to wait and find out - which hasn't helped my clothing situation one bit. So, I've decided to just dress casual and hope for the best.

Pulling out a plain, black tank top, black skinny jeans, and an old muscle tee from my dresser drawers. Throwing the outfit on in a matter of seconds.

The time flew by whilst I was trying to figure out something to wear. I only have about 20 minutes to get to the cafe - which is on the complete other side of town from where I live, so I'm walking a thin piece of thread right now.

Looking in the mirror one last time before I leave, I flattened down my hair that I've decided to just leave down natural and checked my outfit to make sure I look some what presentable.

Assuring myself that everything's going to go perfectly fine, I rush out of my house without getting stopped by my mother - thankfully, I would've definitely been late if she would have stopped me. I hurried into my car and started the 10 minute journey to the café.

Soon enough, I safely made it to the café with still 3 minutes to spare. That couldn't have even been planned out more perfectly than that.

As I searched the small dinning space for any sight of Luke. I quickly found him because of the small amount of people that occupied the restaurant at the moment and because he's practically a teenage giant, walking the streets of New York City.

"Hey." I shakily sighed as he got up out of his booth when he noticed my presence.

"Hey, you look beautiful." He sent me a small, yet nervous smile as he gave me a quick hug. The hug was so quick that I barely had time to actually react back to it.

"Oh, uhm, thank you." I giggled as a slight blush covered my - normally pale - cheeks.

"You're welcome." He chuckled. He looked like he enjoyed the fact the he just made me blush a deep color of red.

"So what do you got planned for us today?" I changed the subject so I could at least try to get my face to return to it original, pale skin tone.

"Like I've told you a million times. It's a secret, you'll have to wait and see." He tutted, shacking his head in playful disappointment.

"So we are eating here right? 'Cause that would be weird if we just came here to meet up and to sit and talk." I started to nervously babble.

"Yes, we're eating here before we go and finish off our first date somewhere else." He nodded in agreement, stopping my babbles thankfully too.

"Are you as nervous as I am? I don't even know why I'm nervous. I guess it's 'cause I haven't been on an actual date since high school." I questioned. Another blush spreading across my face as soon as I realized that I actually said that last sentence out loud.

"I'm a little nervous because I want everything I've got planned for tonight to play out just right but other than that, I'm not the least bit nervous. And I don't think you should be either." He sent me an assuring smile right as a middle aged waitress came to our table to take our orders.

"Welcome. What would the two of you like to drink this evening?" The woman asked as she pulled out her notepad and pen, patiently waiting for us to respond to her question.

"Uhm, I would like a bottle of water." Luke spoke up first, the waitress quickly writing down his drink of choice before turning to me.

"And I would like a glass of sweetened lemonade." I grinned up at the lady who wrote my choice down as well.

"Okay. Your drinks with be brought to your table in a moment, then I'll take your orders." She told us before hastily turning on her heels and speed off towards the kitchen.

"Can't you give me a tiny little hint as to what we are going to be doing later?" I whined, bringing the topic we were talking about when I first got here back up.

"Nope. I want everything to be a surprise." He shook his head, still refusing to give up any information.

"Why? I really don't like surprises." I crossed my arms over my chest and let a displeased groan fly past my lips.

"You'll like this surprise. I promise." He chuckled, obviously not taking my whines and complains seriously.

"Sure." I squinted my eyes at him quizzically - only joking of course. I know that tonight's date would be awesome, I have absolutely no doubt in that whatsoever.


(A/N: Thanks for waiting for me to finally update this again. This is chapter is kind of a filler one. The next will be better, I promise.

Thank you for reading this. If you can/ want please comment, vote, and share this story. It would mean a lot.

- CalumandLukey )

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