Chapter 11

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Cassie's POV:

"Step up." Luke chuckled at my unsteadiness. Having a blindfold covering my eyes as I try to get into, what feels like, a fucking monster truck doesn't really work out very well with me.

"I really don't understand why I'm blindfolded right now! I kind of need my vision so I don't, you know, break my face, 'cause I can't see where in the world my feet are going or being placed." I sassily grumbled, very agitated because every time tried to place my foot inside this rolling death trap, I failed, which caused Luke to start giggling like crazy.

"I have you blindfolded now for a reason Cass-" he cut himself off by bursting into a fit of non-stop giggles yet again.

"Lucas!" I groaned, stomping my feet around in exasperation.

"Fine. I'll help you now." He sighed, finally calming his laughter down enough to guide my arms around his neck and his to the back of my legs.

Once he successfully lifted my body off of the ground, he walked a few steps in the direction I'm guess the truck is actually located in.

"You bastard! I wasn't even near the damn vehicle!" I gasped, smacking his chest as hard as I could as he put me down in my seat.

"I'm sorry. It was just hilarious watching you hike your leg up to nothing but air." He sniffled another laugh before shutting my door and making his way towards his own side.

"You're evil." I rolled my eyes at his meanness - even though he couldn't see my eyes do to the fact that they were still shielded by an old tie of his that he used for a make shift blindfold.

"I'm not evil, I just like messing with people. You better get used to that Cassie." As soon as he ended that last sentence my face started to burn red. If you think about it, he technically just said that he wants to see me a lot more in the near future on, like, dates or something.

"I guess I'll have to won't I?" I giggled, slightly moving my hair in my face so it would cover my bright red checks.

I didn't get a verbal response from him but since my vision is temporarily gone do to the tie covering my eyes, my hearing hearing has kicked in a little bit more than before, so I could hear Luke let out a shaky sigh that sounded troubled but I chose not to pester him about it.


After a short drive to a place that's still unknown by me, Luke stopped the mysterious vehicle before sliding out and coming around to let me out of my side.

"Hold on to my arms, I'll help you get out." He moved my hands 'till they were resting on his outstretched arms. Once I had a good grip on him, he helped me slide out of my seat, thankfully without breaking any of my bones in the process.

"So can you take the blindfold off of me now?" I pouted, keeping my hands on his forearms for safety measures as I waited for his answer.

"I don't know-" he exaggerated his pause, only deciding to continue when I let out a small whine. "Yes. I'll take it off now." He laughed, carefully turning my body around before untying the tie from around my head.

"The Enchanted Ridge." I breathed out in awe as I took in the amazing scenery that surrounded me. "I haven't been up here in years."

"I come up whenever I'm stressed and need a break from everything." Luke came up beside me, his eyes glowing as the sun started to set directly in front of us.

"So this is like, your spot." I stated, tearing my eyes away from the view ahead to look up at him with a wonder.

"I guess you could say that." He smiled, breaking his vision away from the sun set to put his attention on me as well.

"So, why did you bring me here in this random truck? Wait, better question. Who's truck is this? 'Cause I know it's definitely not yours." I quirked and eyebrow in question at the boy standing in front of me.

"To answer both of your questions. You're right, this is definitely not my truck, it's my dad's friends. And I borrowed it from him so we could sit on the truck bed and talk while we watch the sun set." Luke blushed, his gaze moving from my admiring eyes to his plain black flip flops as soon as he felt the heat start to appear on his pale checks.

"That's cute." I gushed, my stomach felt as if it was erupting in butterflies and rainbows from how happy and giddy Luke just made me feel.

"It's not cute." He whispered as a adorable little pout made it's way too his mouth.

"Is too." I argued, rolling my eyes at the stubborn child standing in my presence. "I thinks it's cute 'cause no ones every done anything like this for me before. It's absolutely amazing."

My words only made Luke's blush flourish into a even deeper shade of red that I didn't even know could exist on a persons face.

"H-how about we set up the truck and watch what's left of the sun set, yeah?" Luke stuttered shyly, slowly raising his gaze back to my face once his checks turned back to their normal color.

"Yeah." I nodded, helping him pull out the mass variety of blankets and pillows that he had loaded into the back seat of the truck.

It didn't take us that long to fully set up the truck bed the way we both wanted, it was only about 20 minutes but it really only felt like it took 5.

"How'd you like our first date?" Luke suddenly asked out of nowhere, shocking me a tiny bit because neither of us had talked the whole time the sun was setting the rest of the way. We were just enjoying the peace and beauty of it while in the presence of each other.

"To be completely honest," I started, pausing my sentence so I could turn on my side to face him. "It's been the best date I've ever been on - even though I haven't been on that many dates."

"I'm glad I could beat all of my opponents that have tried, but failed, to succeed in wowing you." He chuckled, turning to his side to face me as well.

"They're no match to you Hemmings." I giggled, pulling up the blanket that the two of us have been sharing since the sun went down, so I could cover my face as a cold breeze blew by.

"Here." Luke lifted the cover up a little, motioning for me to move closer to him for warmth.

"Are you sure? I don't want it to feel like you have to, or make things weird between us since it's only our first date and all." I nervously rambled. I wanted to take his offer up so bad 'cause it's always cold as shit when it gets dark here but I really didn't want to mess things up between us, I actually like Luke more than to mess everything up on the first time we have a date.

"Quit thinking so much, nothing will get weird, I promise. You're shaking, just scoot over here." He let out a breathy laugh as he tried to persuade me into cuddling up with him.

"Fine." I eventually agreed, quickly moving so I was pressed up against him. 100 percent content while feeling his warmth radiate off of him and to me. Soon enough, I was peacefully dozing off against his comfortable body.


(A/N: I know it's a somewhat short chapter but school starting back a couple days ago has really been getting to me. Sorry for the longish wait, school is also the reason behind that.

Another than that, I have nothing else to say except to please like, comment, and share this story with others.

-CalumandLukey )

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