Chapter 4

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Cassie's P.O.V

"Cassie, is that you?" My mother called out as I stepped inside the doorway of my humble abode.

"Yeah, just back from the café." I answered, walking into the kitchen, where I knew she was at, like usual.

"Anything new happening around town?" She asked like a little school girl. She loves drama and gossip.

"Nothing really, just saw this boy I met at the local bar over the weekend. He was a huge ass when I talk to him at the bar, but today he said he's changing and was really sweet actually." I smiled, somewhat happy with his major improvement.

"A boy!? What's his name? What's he look like? How old is he? Is he single? Does he-" I interrupted her never-ending stream of questions. She could go all day asking questions about the same topic, I don't know how she does it.

"Shush!" I laughed, placing my pointer finger against her lips to stop her babbling. "His name is Calum, he's tall, has black hair with blonde highlights, tan, very muscular. Other than he's changing from being an ass, his physical appearance and his name, of course, I don't know anything about the guy." I shrugged, hopefully answering all, or at least the majority, of her seemingly never ending interrogation.

"So your saying he's hot?" She smirked within a womanly squeal.

"What!? I did not say that!" I chocked on my own spit, her accusation shocking the air of my young lungs.

"You just listed his features and you was smiling like a idiot while doing so. You so like him!" She squeaked, clapping her hands in immense excitement.

"Not true!" I huffed, pouting out my bottom lip like something a little toddler would do.

"Whatever, but at your wedding I'm mentioning this to Calum and all the quests!" She chuckled evilly, rubbing her hands together in a very mischievous way.

"What! No, you wouldn't do that to me!" I gasped. God imagine the load of embarrassment.

"I KNEW IT!" She screamed joyfully, jumping out of her seat quickly while pointing an amused finger at me.

"What?" My eyebrow furrowing in deep confusion.

"You didn't say anything about me mentioning a wedding for you and Calum! You like him, you can't deny it now sweetie." She laughed, calming sitting back down in her seat.

"Fine! He's hot, but that doesn't mean I like him!" I argued, rolling my eyes at my childish mother.

"Sure." She rolled her eyes back, our attitudes clashing together in the most unoffensive way possible.

"You're one evil mother, you know that right?" I inquired with a beaming smile.

"Who would I be if I didn't pick on you about your crushes? It's like mothers law to do so! We've got to embarrass you somehow don't we?" She snickered.

"Mothers law? Really? Did you just come up with that?" I scoffed playfully, half expecting her to answer that she really did just make that up but the other half expecting her to say someone else has this so called 'Mothers Law' they go by.

"No, me and one of my friends at work, Joy, who has a son your age, came up with it." Her eyes lit up while talking about joy, they must me close. I wonder why I've never heard of her then.

"I've never heard you mention Joy before." I cocked my head to the side in wonder.

"She's been working with me for about three months now." She informed me, the amount of time shocking me sort of.

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