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It took Baba the rest of the night and for the sun to rise to fall asleep. He didn't cry or talk or even look at me. It's like he knows there's nothing we can do to help Franky. It always seems like he knows.

I wait a few minutes then walk downstairs. Dani's sitting at the kitchen table with her head in her hands. She looks up when I sit down next to her. "I'm sorry," she cries, "I didn't know what to do."

"So you called Franky?" I don't know why she's still here or why I let her come with me to pick up Baba or if I can even forgive her. It was her idea to stay at my place when Baba wasn't here, something about needing to get used to my home again. It was fucking stupid.

"I never asked for her to come here. I only asked for her to call you."

"So it's her fault?!" I yell, slamming my hands on the table and jumping to my feet.

She gasps, frightened.

I told her everything-and I mean everything-that I did to Frank, how we met, what I was like, how we part, I told her everything and she surprisingly didn't leave. But I know she will one day. I've changed a lot but if it wasn't enough to keep Franky then won't be enough to keep anyone else.

"I didn't say that," she whispers with a blank tone. "I feel bad enough as it is."

"Well you should," I snap then fall back in my seat. I groan, Franky would give me the evilest look she could possibly make right now. "I didn't mean it like that," I sigh.

"I'll sleep on the couch," she stands up and steps behind me.

"Dani," I reach for her but she slips away. I curse under my breath as I fish my phone from my short's pocket.

Oscar picks up on the second ring. "Did you hear anything?" He asks right away.

"No. Um, she has a bruised throat and she'll need a neck brace. There's something about her back and lungs but the doctors didn't go in too much detail." But then again I couldn't think or focus. I should've fucking listened.

He's quiet for a moment then exhales heavily. "What happened? Dani told me but she was too distracted to properly say anything."

I flex my broken hand but without Baba, I can't feel anything. "Someone from my old family came by my place and scared Dani, I guess. Dani called Franky and when she showed up, he attacked her." I shudder uncontrollably just by my own words. "I got there and stopped it before...I stopped it."

"And this guy? What happened to him?" He snarls.

"Coma," I lean back in my seat and stare at my broken hand, "I beat him into a coma and I would've killed him if the fucking cops hadn't shown up."

In a few hours, Grace would get the message that her precious son has been beaten into a coma by her adopted son.

"What about Baba?" Is he fucking serious? He has some fucking nervous.

"What about him?" I growl.

"Who's going to watch him?"

"I dunno but it's not like we can see her. They'll call me if anything-" as if making a wish, my phone rings again. "-they're calling." I end the call with Oscar and pick up the hospital's number.

"Mr. Coleman?" A woman's voice asks.

"Y-y-yeah, that's me. Is Franky ok? Did she wake up?" If they called me to tell me she slipped into a coma, I'm gonna kill them.

"No sir, she woke up but she's refusing to take any medicine for the pain."

What the fuck, Franky? "Ok, I um, I'll be there as soon as possible."

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