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After giving Boris directions to the park, I say goodbye to my son. Boris watched me the whole time so I fought my tears. He needs to know I trust him or he won't trust himself.

I remember almost everything, hoe confidence he was in being self-loathing. He didn't believe me when I told him I liked or loved him. He thought I was going to leave when he beat the shit out of Tommy.

I'm fucked up, he told me a million times.

I need to loosen up with Boris and Baba. Boris needs his son to save himself. I couldn't save him and that still haunts me to this day. Boris deserves love.

Usually, I would take Will some leftovers but I don't want to leave the apartment. If anything happens I need to be closer by. I called Will and asked him to come over.

I clean and recordable the house anxiously until there was a knock at the door.

"Are you alright?" Will says first thing when I open the door.

"I'm fine, come." I turn on my heels and head for the kitchen. "Boris might come back for something."

"You're ok with him being here?"

"He's his father," I snatch the container of food off the table and hand it to Will. "I have no choice."

"You always have a choice, love." His sympathetic tone wakes something in me-maybe kills.

"Just go, he's not happy with you."

"Why?" His eyes narrow.

"Because you knew about his son," I explain. "I'm sorry. He won't hurt you but you'll lose your job for sure."

He nods. "Where are they now?"

"The park," I answer and his eyes widen. "What?"

"You never let anyone watch him."

"I know, I know. Please, go." A wave of tiredness crashes on me. He nods in agreement then I walk him out.

I shut and lock the door behind Will.

What's wrong with me? I slide down the wall to the floor and hug my knees to my chest. I want my baby. My heart feels slows and strange in my body like it's not mine. This all feels too familiar. "Boris," I groan to myself.

Boris' POV

"Let me tell mommy that we went to the movies," I remind my son as I dig the spare key Franky gave me, out of my pocket.

It's late, Baba is almost asleep in my arms. I had texted Franky a while back but she never responded, I didn't bring it to my attention until now.

"Franky!" I shout, stepping into her tiny apartment. If it wasn't where my son was raised I would honestly hate it. I lock the door behind us then settle everything by the door.

"Down," Baba orders. He talks to me more when Franky's not around. I put him down then he runs down the hall.

"Franky, he's going to your room!" I shout but there's no response. "Hey, Baba! Ask mommy if I can read to you to sleep!" I want to stay for the night but I don't want to push my Look with Franky.

I step around the couch and nearly jumped. Franky's laying down on her back, her arm hanging off the side. She looks...dead. My chest burns with a familiar sting.

"Franky?" I shake her leg and her head moves. I sigh in relief. I kneel and place my ear to her chest. Her heartbeat is slow. "Franky?" I repeat, drawing back. It's late but too early for her to be passed out like this.

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