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That night was hell. We had packed up and drove back to Boris' place, not a single word spoken. Even Jaime was quiet.

Sasha and Jaime said their goodbyes then hoped in their car and left. Before he left he told he would've stayed to make sure I left ok but he had Jaime. I assured him we would be fine.

I packed two bags for each of us while Boris stands in the corner, watching me. I threw the bags in the back then buckled Baba in his car seat.

"I love you," I kiss his forehead then climb out of the car and closed the door.

"Don't do this," Boris stands in my way.

"Move," I hiss at his chest. I can't look him in his eyes right now.

"At least tell me who you're staying with."

"Move!" I shove him back and finally look into his broken eyes. "You did this."

He blinks rapidly then throws his head back.

I climb in my car and drive away. My tears finally fall. I love Boris, I always will but I don't love this anymore. I can't do this. I look in the mirror and examine my still red cheek. There's a large hand mark but Boris' hand is too large on my tiny face, you can barely tell. My ears are still ringing.

We can't go to Lincoln's, it's too close and Boris might show up. Will's too far and as much as I hate to admit it, I'm furious with Sasha. He tried to make Boris hit him in front of the kids.

I pull over and call the only person I have left.


"¿Qué diablos le pasó a tu cara?" (What the hell happened to your face?) Cesar gasps when he sees me.

"Can I explain after I put Baba to bed?" I beg.

"Yeah, of course. Adelante." He hurries is inside. I thank him as he shows me to his little brother's room.

After tucking Baba into the sheets, I sit on the edge of the bed and watch him. "Daddy hit you," he whispers, and my heart breaks. "I saw it," he answers before I could ask.

"I'm so sorry, baby."

"Are you mad at him?"

"No," I answer honestly. I'm not mad at him, this is what he does. No... "yes, I am mad at him." He hit me in front of Baba, it doesn't matter if he thought Baba couldn't see us. He took that risk and hurt me.

Baba places his hand over mine. "I love you," he whispers sleepily. He can barely keep his eyes open.

"I love you, too," I kiss his head. "Sleep."

I wait an extra few minutes to make sure he was sleeping then leave the room. I walk down the hall and join Cesar in the kitchen.

"¿Ese idiota te hizo eso?" (Did that idiot do that to you?) Cesar asks as I take a seat across from him at the kitchen table.

"Is it that noticeable?"

"Si," his scowl is threatening. "Are you ok?"

"Baba saw his father hit his mother. How can I be ok?"

"Mis hermanos y yo podemos cuidarlo." My brothers and I can take of it.

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