playlists (michael)

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i decided to post a oneshot the morning after getting hacked because why the fuck not

i dont even know if the hacker is still still on my account

im yoloing it

love you

((all the songs I mention are good, check them all out))

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playlists (michael)
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it was a sunday night. you were laying on top of your bed, next to michael. it was dark in your bedroom, the only source of light was the small fairy lights that were hung up around your room. your eyes were shut lightly, cocoon by catfish and the bottlemen was playing softly from the speaker. michael was also lying in his back, but his head was turned and his eyes were on you. he looked at your face with such admiration. he was so close, he could see every imperfection and they were all somehow perfect. he starred at the way your eyelashes brushed your cheeks due to your closed eyes and was surprised when you opened them and turned to look at him. you said something that he didnt catch. he just blushed because you caught him starring and nodded at whatever you said.

he watched as you smiled and stood up, grabbing michael's phone and unlocking it, knowing the password already.

"what are you doing?" michael questioned.

"looking through your music, wanna choose a song." you mumbled.

you scrolled through all his songs, seeing some that you enjoyed, others michael probably downloaded when he was fourteen (and probably regretted it) and some that you didn't recognize.

with him being in love with music, you knew he had an overwhelming amount of songs so you decided to go through his playlists. you scrolled through them, one titled sleep, another titled favourites, and another called fuck yeah. you continued to look at them until one caught your eye.


you looked up at michael, seeing him lying on the bed with his eyes shut.

"mikey?" you asked wearily.

"mm?" he mumbled, obviously sleepy.

"what-whats the playlist thats titled y/n?" you stuttered.

michaels eyes shot open. he stuttered out exuces and apologies, trying to grab his phone back.

you giggled a bit, holding the phone out of his reach. accidentally, your pressed shuffle on the playlist. the acoustic version of james dean & audrey hepburn by sleeping with sirens started to play and both of you stopped your movements.

"i love this song." you whispered.

"i know." michael said just as quietly before continuing, "its, uh, its a playlist of songs that remind me of you." he said, looking down at his hands.

you blushed but continued to look through the songs,

somewhere in neverland by all time low

always by panic! at the disco

the only exception by paramore

first date by blink-182

brutal love by green day

iris by sleeping with sirens

a daydream away by all time low

goodnight moon by go radio

jersey by mayday parade

and may, many more.

"they're all love songs." you said, your heart racing.

michael still refused to look you in the eye. you moved closer to michael and just looked at him, barely being able to see him due to the lack of light, "michael," you whispered. he looked up at you, finally looking into your eyes, ''i love it," you told him, "i love the playlist and the songs, fuck, i love you."

he said nothing, his eyes just looked into yours. kiss me slowly by parachute started to play and michael started to lean in. his eyes fluttered shut and yours did soon after. when your lips touched, butterflies erupted in your stomach and your heart was beating faster than ever before. his lips moved with yours, as if they were made to do that. you felt safe and at home with his lips against yours. his hand came up to cup your face and his thumb gently caressed your cheekbone.

he pulled away slightly and rested his forehead against yours. his eyes were still closed, you just starred it him, wanting to see the green eyes you had known for years, but loved dearly. you got your wish when he opened his eyes and smiled lightly. he pecked your lips softly again, "be mine." he whispered. you couldn't help the smile that tugged on the corners of your lips, "of course." you said.

michael then laid down, bringing you with him and as in your arms by the maine started to play you smiled even wider. michael played with your hair gently and kissed the top of your head, whispering 'love you' into your ear before you drifted off into a well needed sleep, in the arms of the person you loved.

and if you had a playlist on your phone with 'michael ♡' as the title, full of love songs, well, nobody had to know.

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do any of you listen to catfish and the bottlemen?

weird name, amazing band.

im in love with the singer (van) and im putting his beautful face on the top/side

ya'll should follow me because I'm almost at 1k and I'll follow you back

lob youu :*

- becca

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