your period

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a lot of you wanted to see me without my Halloween makeup on and I don't know why because it's terrible but I took a selfie jUST FOR YOU. (I don't take selfies)

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what he does when you're on your period
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Luke would come home from a long day at the studio and see you curled up in a ball on the couch. He would smile softly and see "The Fault In Our Stars" playing on the TV. He would walk to the couch, taking his coat of in the process, and cuddle with you. He would give you meaningful, soft kissed all over and rub your belly. He would tell you he loved you and he would let you fall asleep in his arms.


Calum would be able to tell when you were on your period. You would complain about your aches and pains and how you just wanted to eat chocolate and make out with him, so he pieced it together. He would do all those things. He got you chocolate and ice cream. He would hover over you, giving you love bites and heated kisses. When your lips were red and raw, he simply laid with you and rubbed your back lightly with his fingertips, whispering how much he loved you.


Michael would buy you things when you were on your period. You tried not to take advantage but you found it so fucking cute when he got upset for buying you the wrong kind of ice cream. He would go out and rent movies as well. They ranged from horror movies, to romances, to action movies. He would buy you tampons and pads (and get upset when he got you the terrible kinds, but you didn't get mad because what man would know which tampon brand was best?) He would run around and cater to your every need, making sure your cramps weren't bad and you were happy. That's all he ever wanted, really. For you to be happy.


Ashton would cook for you when you were on your period. Whatever you were hungry for, he made. He ran around the kitchen, only setting of the smoke detectors one in a while. You would insist that you could make dinner but he promised he was the best broccoli cooker ever. He would make you tea and brownies, (that tasted horrible, but you would never tell him that.) When he was exhausted, you would cuddle with him and kiss him. The next day, when he would end up being either crazily tired or sick, you would cater to his every need.

Alex from target:

Alex was the best boyfriend ever. He would go to target and buy you a bunch of shit and wonderful things and I'm laughing so hard I'm not doing this shit. But you love Alex. You got so turned on by his target uniform. what am I doing with my life. You loved Alex with all your heart. Alex from target is loved Alex from target is life.

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short and sweet (I hope?)

might update a couple of times tonight 'cos this is as short as my dick

- becca

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