answering your shit

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I forgot about this oops


do you like one direction?

I like them as people but I'm not into their music, soz (IM NOT 1D AF OH NO) but yah I don't listen to really pop-y stuff. my top 5 favourite bands are blink 182, green day, good charlotte, the foo fighters and nirvana so yah. (5sos don't even count they're just WAY up there)

are you muke af?

very much

if you had the chance to do a threesome with ashton and iggy, would you?

I-g-g-only if she performed fancy while doing it

will you marry me?

yes babe

do you ship any of the guys together?

as a bromance but would you not think it would be awkward to have people want you to marry your best friend? (lol jk I'm cake af)

are you eri af? (that's me)

well are you beri af? (that's us)

have my kids.

at least take me on a date first

will you marry me? I love you so much.

babe, yes.

what's the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?

my life is an embarrassment

what's your fav 5sos song least fav 5sos song?

I hate all of them.

Michael wants to get snake bites. thoughts? I LOVE U SO MUCH AJSNSMS

I hope a snake bites me holy shit (ily2 bb)

do you like blueberry syrup on waffles?

who doesn't?

are you alex from target af?

no, I'm some random hot guy from hot topic af tho

what do you get when you put a landshark with a landshark?

a landshark orgy

Would you suck Michael's big toe if he asked you to?

only if he sucked mine

can I fuck you?

my body's ready

if Michael asked you to be his slave (not in a sexual way you perverts) what would you say?

yes, but only if it could also be in a sexual way

do you watch youtubers? if you do, who's your favourite?

here we go:
Shane Dawson
joe sugg
Caspar lee
Alexis G Zall (zall good👍)
Connor Franta
Emma Blackery
Patty Walters
Lauren Elizabeth
Andrea Russett
Arden Rose
Troye Sivan
Benny Mcnugget
Rebecca Black (she followed me on Twitter like mOM)


do you love cats? 'cause I love cats.


muke af?

how many times has someone asked me this tho

if you could be any animal what would you be?

I am a penguin.

would you rather every Disney character to be real or hogwarts and everything in Harry Potter to exist, but you don't know about it?

but I want spongebob to be alive

are you daddy?

are you princess?

how do you feel about being called daddy?

I don't like being called it but Ashton doesn't seem to mind considering he said nothing when I was screaming it to him last night.

what colour pants are you wearing?

black. what else would I wear tho?

is calum daddy af?

Luke would know, ask him.

are you muke af?


is af annoying?

ask Michael.

what would you do if someone brakes into your house and makes you choose between Lauren and Harry? (the one you choose will be killed)

volunteer to die

dogs or cats?


becca, do you like or love pizza?


if you could do anything illegal and not get in trouble for it, what would you do?

fuck luke (I'm not legal yet so)

have you ever cried? and when?

I cried today

what would you do if anyone from your school/a relative read your smut?

if they went to my school I would become friends with them and well my sister reads these

fav ship in 5sos?

cake because I'm craving cake but I'm also craving cake if you catch my drift

do you eat fries with ice cream?





sunshine in 5sos?

favourite tv show?

where are you from?

do you wanna build a snowman?

favourite movie?

favourite food?

do you love me?

favourite holiday?'

favourite band?

what's you're name?

your ship name with Michael?

your ship name with calum?

your ship name with luke?

your ship name with ash?

can i stop now?

favourite candy?

favourite subject in school?

favourite video game?

favourite youtuber(s)?



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