im so sorry

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I know, still no update.

I had an idea, however.

if any of you have ever written a one shot or preference feel free to kik it to me (my kik is blamebecca) and I'll post it on here.

I have over 1M reads and i guess that's a lot so you could get your writing out there?

I'll give your account full credit and stuff ^-^

also, I was wondering... if I wrote an actual fan fiction, would any of you read it?

Riley wrote a preference and I already have some smut sent in from a reader (a rather fab reader if I say so myself) that'll be up after i edit it.

I can edit your writing for you and everything, just kik it to me (:

again, my kik is blamebecca

sorry for no updates in the past few days.

I love your comments and I promise I'm not just looking for sympathy when I post those authors notes.

I love you

- becca

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