Chapter 29-Meet the gang!

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Mia's POV

"Mia is that what I think it is on your neck?" my cheeks instantly became red.

My hand grazed over the love bite. My voice became shaky.

"This? I burnt myself using the curling iron"

Sammy raised one of her eyebrows and looked at me.

"Are you sure you got burnt?"

I nodded.

"Yea. I was curling the strands of my hair and I accidentally burnt myself"

Sammy made an 'o' shape with her mouth.

"Last time I checked a burn with a curling iron is more red than that. Yours look like it's been there for a while."

Well shit!

I looked at Justin to see him looking the other side. It was because of him Sammy was questioning me about this.

Justin cleared his throat.

"Sammy can you pass me the mash potatoes please?"

Sammy handed it to him and put back her focus on me.

"So" Justin started looking at Xavier.

"How are we going to start this investigation again?"

He said, trying to change the topic.

"Yea. I mean everything with Maria. Things have changed." I interjected.

Justin nodded.

"Don't change the topic,Justin!"

Justin looked at her,with a puzzles face. As if he had no idea what she was talking about.

"I'm not changing the topic Sammy. I am just having a conversation with Xavier and Mia just decided to put her opinion. That's it" he said. Sammy rolled her eyes so hard, I swear she probably saw her brain.

"Oh please Justin don't act smart with me. As far as I've ever known you, you have never ever eaten potatoes in your life. Secondly, this is potato salad not mashed potatoes."

"Oh come on. It's the same freaking thing!"Justin retaliated back.

"No it's not. Mashed potatoes doesn't have peas and carrots in them. It's plain. And potato salad has peas and carrots. So no it's not the same freaking thing Justin!!"

I swear Sammy can make something as small as potato salad into a argument.

"Sammy, we were just having a conversation with Xavier about how different the investigation might be" I chimed in.

"Exactly!" Justin exclaimed, folding his arms and leaning back on the chair.

All of this because Sammy saw my freaking hickey on my neck. Great!

"Enough!" Xavier exclaimed-shouted.

"I invited you all here for us to have a family friendly dinner! Not to have an argument!"

We all became silent. I have never seen Xavier this mad before. I looked at Sammy. She didn't look scared at all. In fact, she looked as if she had saw him yell like this before.

"This dinner was for all of us to discuss the investigation with Mia's mother."

We all nodded in agreement.

"Now you all stay quiet and I'll be the one talking from now on. Agreed?"

"Yes" we all said in unison.

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