Chapter 3- Opinions become Facts

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Mia's POV
My eyes blinked twice in disbelief once again as I tried to shake of the horrid thought. My mind was only hooked on the words 'gang leader'. Could this be true? I thought to myself. No it can't be. Different situations were popping up in my head as to what could be the consequences if they were true. Sweat leaked down my forehead, my hands were shaking and my head was spinning. Hearing a knock on the door I snapped out of my thoughts and slammed down the laptop as quick before opening the door to meet eyes with Linda's grey green ones staring at me with curiosity.

"Hey Mia need anything?" you have been up here for over three hours straight." she asked.

I fumbled with my fingers unsure of what to say. I can't tell her where I have really been.

"I was taking along bath and I just got up from a nap and yes I need something" I replied although if i was Linda I wouldn't have believed what I had just said. Linda is a forty something year old woman she wouldn't think anything.

"What is it dear?" she questioned me.

I thought about what I was going to ask her before asking.
"Tell me about Jack" I said more of a command than a question.

She looked taken aback by my question.

"What could you possibly want to know about him Mia?" she stated rather much bluntly.

"Linda, the only things I know about him is his age, first and last name and where he works" I said.

I was being honest when I said that. Most of the things such as his likes or dislikes I have known from picking it up since we are living in the same house.
She sighed before pushing past me and entering the bedroom leaving me to shut the door. She was sitting on the edge of the still ruffled bed. I sat near her with my legs folded beneath my thighs. My full attention was to her and what she was about to say could've either helped me or be in futile.

"Linda....."i said trying to snap her out of her little trance. She looked up at me and took in a deep breath before speaking.

"Jack Benjamin Houston" she spoke as fast as she could have said but fortunately I was able to pick up what she said.

"Huh?" I blurted I was confused and definitely feeling puzzled.

"That is his whole entire name"Linda said. My mouth made the shape of an 'O' as I was taking in the new information.

"His parents weren't always there for him. He had to fend for himself most of the time." she spoke as I just nod my head.

" was Jack's behavior at school and with friends" I asked curiously. Mostly because I want to know if I can pick up any details about him becoming what he is now.
She looked at me with one eyebrow raised before slumping her shoulders.

"His behaviour was not bad but at the same time it wasn't a type of behavior that I would call perfect." she replied and I urged her to continue.

"He used to be stuck around bad company and get into a lot of trouble most times" I nod my head in response. Nice I said to myself.

"Umm Linda I'm actually starting to get a little hungry. Can you bring me some brownies? I am in the mood for something sweet" i said making her jump a little.
"Sure okay" she said and exited the room quickly as I shut the door as soon as she was out the room. With all the information that I had received I put two and two together and found my solution. He is definitely involved in a gang. But what was the fishy part was why he didn't tell me anything about it. I know he probably doesn't consider me a friend let alone his wife to tell me how long this was going on for and why. He had a job and it was high paid why be in a gang when you have these riches?. My body was in the same position for over five minutes contemplating on what I was going to do or how I would react when he reaches home.

Looking at my phone that was placed a few inches away from me, I picked it up and saw that it was now 8:30 pm. My eyes widen and I dropped the phone back on my nightstand where it's supposed to be. He was not going to be home until midnight but I just had to prepare myself for any untoward situation. I was still not sure as to what was the name of the gang he was involved in but I knew that I had to keep following and keeping check on his whereabouts if I wanted to actually find out everything. You may be thinking that I'm being too over protective over him and I don't even love him. I don't love him but I have a certain amount of concern for him. I will fulfill my duties as a wife even if I don't get anything in return it is fine by me.


Dinner was in half an hour so I decided that I should probably freshened up since earlier I didn't have the time to freshen up and I just threw on my clothes. I feel sweaty and I hate that so I have to bathe now. Stripping the silky white top over my head and taking my jeans off of me, I jumped in the shower and let the cold water dropped on every part of my body.

Feeling a sense of tranquility over the past few hours of terror that just flew by. My eyes were closed and the water droplets leaked onto my face and passed near my neck which made me shiver a little. The cold water glided on my back like a waterfall and made me let out a sigh of satisfaction. My hair was flipped onto my shoulder as I pour the shampoo in my hair as I massages it into the my scalp. Washing the shampoo thoroughly out of my hair I added vanilla scented conditioner that made my mid length brown hair feel so soft. Reaching for the white, fluffy towel that was hanging on the sink, I wrapped myself with it as I stepped into the bathroom. Deciding on what outfit to pick I came to the conclusion of a short blue striped pants with a tank top and my night robe as well as my flip flops.

Checking the time I was glad to know that it was 9:00 on the dot. Skipping down the stairs, eager to eat since I have barely eaten for the day besides breakfast and lunch. I was so glad to see the table with so many meal prepared just for me. Sitting down on the chair at the end, I immediately reached for the baked chicken.

"Hungry i see?" I heard a soft voice behind me which made me drop the chicken back onto my plate. I laughed when I realized it was Linda.

"Yea I sure am" I giggled and started to look for the cooked vegetables.

"Oh I almost forgot!" Linda exclaimed and I saw her scurrying back into the kitchen.

I just shook it of before I heard her footsteps behind me and she had a another plate resting in her hands.

"Here are your brownies Mia" she said with a smile taking the cover off allowing the smell of fresh out of the oven brownies fill up my nostrils.

"Mm smells good but put it away until I finish eat dinner" I said and she nod her head and rested it on the table. I began to stuff my face with chicken until I licked the entire plate spotless.

"I'm full!" I exclaimed loudly and Linda laughed as she took my plate the was in front of me in the kitchen. I did not hesitate to eat my delicious mouth-watering brownies. The sound of the door slamming made me jump in surprise and my hands immediately started to shake. I knew it was Jack and I did not want to make it obvious that I know anything or that I was even out of the house. He told me midnight yet he came home around 9pm. His footsteps were getting closer by the second and my stomach was suddenly in no mood for brownies. He approached passed near the dining room but he went straight upstairs into our room. My curiosity got the better of me and I followed right behind him.

Before he could lock the door,i grabbed the door knob. Thinking he would realize that the door did not close, he continued walking more into the room. I entered the room closing the door as gently as possible. His jacket was now thrown on the floor and his hand against his forehead as if he was stressed about something. I never wanted to be his wife but I did want to become his friend.

Small steps first right. At this point literally.

"Jack" I said in a loud but hushed tone afraid of what state of mind he may be in right now.
He turned around and looked at me and his face was something I did not expect to see.

"Jack what happened to you?"

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